Copy/paste effects on Stage

  • is it possible with the Kemper Stage to copy an effect from one performance slot to a slot on a different performance? From what I’ve read it’s possible on rig manager but wondering if you can do it directly from the Stage.

    Also is it possible to copy an entire effects chain to another preset? So I could use it with a different amp for example.

  • To copy -

    Press and hold the effect slot to focus, but keep holding. You will be asked if you want to copy. Go to the new performance/slot and do the same thing. You'll be asked to paste. Save and you're good.

    For an entire effects chain -

    No. It's not possible on the Stage. What you could do is lock the slots you want, replace the amp or whatever else and save. Then unlock the slots.

    Or - save the effects chain as a new rig. Then change the amp/cab, etc. and save with a new name.

  • Maybe the easiest way is to use locks.

    Select the Performance with the effects that you want. Lock each effect that you want to keep. Then select your other performance and now the effects should remain in place. Save the performance to now include those effects. Unlock the effects if you're done.