Maybe an awkward setup

  • Hello there !

    I'm re doing all of my setup and was wondering a few things about the way it could go.

    Basically me setup is composed of : Powered Kemper, Kemper Kab, Pair of HS5, a Boss RC 600, a computer, and a turntable.

    What i'd like to do if that's possible is to use my Kemper as an Audio interface (since it's possible) and have it run my computer sound, my turntable sound, and be able to play the guitar at the same time, with if possible my RC 600 in the way so i can do loops and others too. All of it getting out into the HS5 and into the Kemper Kab. I've a wireless headset to plug somewhere aswell but i think thise one should be fine.

    So i'm looking for a way to set this up, if you guys have any ideas.

    I tried and manage to get my computer sound, the guitar and the RC 600 (Not sure for this one, but i believe) working together, the one missing being the turntable (it's not an amplified turntable if that exist, just an old one). Maybe and just maybe i need an extra spot for a mic to go on Discord and stuff, but i think i can plug that to my RC 600.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing your ideas of setup with that if you got some !

  • With the Head you can't use the FX Loop and the Aux input at the same time. At best get a small/inexpensive 4 channel mixer (2 times stereo) to mix in the turntable and put the RC 600 in the FX loop of the KPA.

    Main outs to the Mixer/HS 5 and Powered out to the Kabinet

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • With the Head you can't use the FX Loop and the Aux input at the same time. At best get a small/inexpensive 4 channel mixer (2 times stereo) to mix in the turntable and put the RC 600 in the FX loop of the KPA.

    Main outs to the Mixer/HS 5 and Powered out to the Kabinet

    Yeah i was thinking about doing about the same with my scarlet4i4, and i got the amp that goes with the turntable but it's an 80's amp/turntable thingy. But the goal was to get rid of the soundcard and use the kemper as a soundcard for all.

    Your thing should probably work, maybe you have a model recommandation ?

    Still wondering about the amplification of the turntable if i don't use the amp. I tried to put the turntable into my RC600 second "Instrument Input", just like how it's plugged to the Kemper to get the guitar sound, but it doesn't work either, can't really get why for now. No sound if the RC600 is in Line mode, subtle sound if i put it on instrument level. Maybe it doesn't amplify enough.

    how so? It’s not just an issue of simple amplification

    I get what you're saying, it might just be what i was explaining right up with the RC600 on instrument level that doesn't amplify the signal enough for it to be at a normal volume.
    But if it's that, i'd rather buy something to amplify my turntable and then put it into my RC 600 on line level (since it's amplified before) right ?
    If that's the case, i already got the old amp that goes with the turntable, but the Outputs are old (non amplified) speakers wires, like you know the little red and black that goes in. I guess i can put a jack or something at the end of it, but i'm not sure about that.

    Last thing that worries me if that's the plan is that it would be :

    Guitar -> Kemper front input

    Main Kemper out -> HS5
    Powered Kemper out -> Kemper Kab

    Turntable -> the amp that goes with it (If i can tweak the wires from old speakers wires to be 6,3 jack) -> Output of the amp to the RC 600

    RC 600 in and out -> alternative rear input (Loop)

    And all of that should work if i'm right ? Question was that, is there no risk at having two amps joined like that ? even 3 if i put the RC 600 on Instrument level.
    Would be great if that one worked and didn't color the sound (except the one coming from the turntable) and had no risk.

    If you need the RC600 in line with the Profiler, why not run the main outs from the Head into the RC600 and out to wherever. It won't go to the Kab like this, though.

    I was plugged right like that before, Guitar to front -> Kemper main out to the RC 600 Instrument -> RC 600 Out to my scarlet 4i4 for the speakers and connection with the computer.
    As you said with that setup the sound does go to the Kab, and i tried by plugging the Kab to my RC600 and it doesn't work even at Instrument level. Was a thing tho, but not working for what i'm trying to do !

    Anyway thanks again for the answers guys, i'll rebuild the setup in the next few days so if you got more infos/recommandations, i'm taking them all !

  • I get what you're saying, it might just be what i was explaining right up with the RC600 on instrument level that doesn't amplify the signal enough for it to be at a normal volume.
    But if it's that, i'd rather buy something to amplify my turntable and then put it into my RC 600 on line level (since it's amplified before) right ?
    If that's the case, i already got the old amp that goes with the turntable, but the Outputs are old (non amplified) speakers wires, like you know the little red and black that goes in. I guess i can put a jack or something at the end of it, but i'm not sure about that.

    I'd probably buy an inexpensive RIAA pre-amplifier (don't know what they cost, and don't have any experience with them - but I assume you can get something fairly cheap that outputs line level).

    Please note that I am guessing that your turntable doesn't have RIAA EQ curve (output) correction built in, since it has no amplification itself. The RIAA equalization is sort of a tilt EQ that is used for LPs specifically - removes a lot of low end and boosts high end in the recording before the LP is cut (simplifying a bit). That reverse of that EQ curve is needed in order for the sound to be as intended. That is beyond just boosting the signal by a "regular" amplifier, because in that case you'd still be down -20dB at 20 Hz and up +20dB at 20kHz.

    I'm leary of recommending anything regarding the output of the amplifier into 6.3 mm jack - only because you mention the word "speaker", so I will not say anything there :)

    In any case, even if those outputs are line level, there may be issues with noise.