Different output level between right and left channel

  • Hi,

    I'm running the latest update and I get a little less output from the right channel going into my DAW. I use the XLR Main Out to a couple Raindirk preamps or direct into my Motu 828 Mark3, and I get a reading of 2 or 3 db's less from the right side on all the patches. Anything I should be looking at to try to fix this? Or it's normal?


  • Thanks for replying,

    I already tried 2 sets of cables and same issue... but I'll swicth them around again to see if that could be the problem.

    It's not a big deal, 2 or 3 db's, and I can compensate with my preamps, but IMO the ouput should be the same on both side unless the patches are built that way.

  • I would just swap the connections right at the KPA, which would catch anything in the signal chain. If it stays with the KPA, then that's where the difference is, and there's a hardware issue.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I contacted Kemper's tech support and they told me that it was hardware related and that it couldn't be fixed remotely. They told me to contact my dealer, which I did and Moog Audio was gracious enough to exchange my unit for a new one! I haven't tried it yet, still in its box, but will do when I back from work tonight and hopefully it won't have the same issue!

    Anyway, a big thumbs up for Moog Audio's customer service in Montreal!