Even better, what about a new rotary effect that’s able to ape not only the Leslie but the Fender vibratone and Maestro rover and while we are at it maybe it could get into univibe territory as well, thinking along the lines of the fuzz and drive modules.
Rotary Effect Parameter Request
I don't want to push it. I stand with my original request as it's a very simple one.
I don't want to push it. I stand with my original request as it's a very simple one.
Dream big brother 😁, your request has been requested for at least a decade now with Christoph chiming in on this very forum.
Today I expect much more. -
I would like to see a more variable and dynamic approach to the rotary module. Could be so much more powerful. Having to mash the toe switch on my Morph pedal to speed it up and slow it down sucks. Would be nice if I could map it to my morph pedal
To be fair Christoph is doing some backflips of late most notably usb recording, and tablet Android support something he initially wouldn’t do because he assumed most of crowd would already own an interface and Android across so many devices was just a PIA. So you never know an update to the modulation effects would have to be in the plan one would think.
To be fair Christoph is doing some backflips of late most notably usb recording, and tablet Android support something he initially wouldn’t do because he assumed most of crowd would already own an interface and Android across so many devices was just a PIA. So you never know an update to the modulation effects would have to be in the plan one would think.
It has been asked for many times by many users including myself. CK has always said that it won’t happen because a really leslie has fixed speeds and the effect is designed to replicate a real leasie. However, he also said there would never be an Android editor so who knows 😆
We can solve it: they rename the current rotary as "Leslie", then they add a "Rotary pedal" with the the speed parameter.
So we are all happy!
Agree completely, please give us both
The Kemper Rotary effect has a fast and slow speed, like the control on a Hammond. A foot switch can be programmed to switch speeds.
Paul I know it has the fast and slow foot switch but the thing it is missing is the ramp up and down speed. A Leslie is a mechanical beast and you actually play it like an instrument.
Paul I know it has the fast and slow foot switch but the thing it is missing is the ramp up and down speed. A Leslie is a mechanical beast and you actually play it like an instrument.
The Kemper rotary has a ramp up and down speed. You want it to be controllable, correct? Different Leslie models ramp up and down at different speeds, such as a 147, 122, 125, etc... Those can only be slightly adjusted and mostly via belt tension on the lower rotor only. I think Kemper has stated that the ramp up and down works just like a real Leslie. But I have wondered which real Leslie does is mimic? It can't mimic more than one model as it is currently implemented.
In the end, I am in favor separate, adjustable controls for the upper and lower frequencies. This is what Kemper should implement if they want the rotary effect to match real rotary speakers.
I have been wondering the same , you years
The Kemper rotary has a ramp up and down speed. You want it to be controllable, correct? Different Leslie models ramp up and down at different speeds, such as a 147, 122, 125, etc... Those can only be slightly adjusted and mostly via belt tension on the lower rotor only. I think Kemper has stated that the ramp up and down works just like a real Leslie. But I have wondered which real Leslie does is mimic? It can't mimic more than one model as it is currently implemented.
In the end, I am in favor separate, adjustable controls for the upper and lower frequencies. This is what Kemper should implement if they want the rotary effect to match real rotary speakers.
One of the other features on real Leslie's was a brake. This was another key to achieving the organic feel of a real spinning speaker. Speeding up and slowing down.
Playing it like an instrument.