Amp in a box dist stomp

  • Would like to see some Friedman BEOD/ Horizon devices Apex pre amp style dist stomps with a noise gate and tight switch/knob. I can't be the only one who likes to slam a clean amp or edge of break up or light crunch amps with pedals like these.

  • Not quite sure I understand....purpose of AiB pedals is to get your amp to sound in a way it's not designed for. I.E: getting Marshall sound from a Fender Deluxe. this sense the KPA is the master of all need for pedals

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • Not quite sure I understand....purpose of AiB pedals is to get your amp to sound in a way it's not designed for. I.E: getting Marshall sound from a Fender Deluxe. this sense the KPA is the master of all need for pedals

    I know thats the intended idea but I've found numerous times that AiB paired with different amps or profiles can bring different results other than just the original intention. In the case of profiles, i like to blend in the direct mix so part is hitting the amp block and the other is going directly to the cab.