Soundtrack with the Kemper a Musicman EVH and a Strymon Timeline in the loop. (Its a video)

  • Here's yet another video I did with Dancer Emilie Gregersen. Hope you like it.

    The Soundtrack is quite heavy - I recorded it on my 1993 Musicman EVH, tuned in C or something. I used a profile I made of a Hughes and Kettner top, that was rigged for recording at my friends studio. I took a couple of minutes to set up the Kemper and again a few minutes to profile it. I have no clue what sort of top it was - It had a lot of buttons and was owned by a metal guy. But I came home with a pretty cool Hard Rock Profile :)

    The clean sounds was made with a cleaned up version of the Marshal Golub Mod profile i think. I've been messing about with quite a few different profiles. So I've sort of lost track where that clean sound came from.

    I put the Strymon Timeline in the loop, and that is the one that sounds like a keyboard.

    Enjoy :)


    I like music, especially good music. :)

    Edited once, last by PalleSchultz (August 28, 2012 at 10:36 AM).