copy profile in performance slot to Kemper browse database... is this possible?

  • Code

    I'm a bit embarrassed to ask here, but is it possible to copy a profile in 1 of the 5 performance slots to the Kemper in browse mode?

    I just can't seem to get this to a good end.

    If you click on 1 "profile" in performance on the right, and choose "export", you can, for example, "paste" it on your desktop, and then copy it in the rig manager in the kemper.

    However, the profile you have in browse mode has no effects, nor does it sound like the one you copied... Bizarre...

    I ask this because, when you put a profile from the Kemper database into a performance and then make quite a few adjustments to it in terms of sound and effects, it would also be useful if you saved it in the Kemper browse mode...

    Am I missing something?



  • At the hardware you can enter Rig Settings, Rig Tags and edit Rig Name while before you export to the RIg pool.

    In Rig Manager you can select any Performance and find its tags including all five Slots in the right hand column.