Mostly I have ignored "pure cab" as my first snap judgement was not that helpful plus it just seemed something else to throw in that may be unnecessary. Just trying a few different things to get the "top end" of my sound that last .5% I was messing with it and liked what I was doing with it around 2. For a quick assessment it seemed to "soften" the high end in a good way and "naturalized" it a bit. I would like to know some opinions on it from users that have really listened to it. What do you find it to do to profiles?

Experienced ear pure cab question. (again?)
Dynochrome -
November 28, 2022 at 2:54 AM -
Thread is Resolved
Pure Cab is the secret weapon inside the Kemper. I'm not interested in the mic'd up sound, but the sound of the actual amp, sitting in the room with me. I run it on 5, globally, on everything. If not for Pure Cab, I don't know if I'd still own the Kemper - it's that good.
Interesting thread. I have not played with this feature much. I did what most people recommend and turned it off and never looked at it again. Maybe I need to dig into that a bit more.
I never use to pure cab, it change too much the character of the profile.
There’s a lot of way to get rid of those nasty highs.
First in the output set the high cut about 6.5/7k.
Note that you have to play some times to have your ears used to each tweaking. Especially the high and low cuts if you’re not used to that.
In the cab you can also play with the Character.
high shift and low shift are also great but be careful, they are really powerful. Try to tweak by 0.1 each time.In general when I find a profile i like I set all the eqs everywhere at zero in the amp.
the true sound of the profile is just the amp/cab with no eq.
then instead of tweaking the post eq, I set it to pre.
it’s a lot easier to remove the muddy bass and piercing highs with the presence.Had a eq in x slot if really you have to tweak frequencies.
Also don’t underestimate the power of booster/overdrive/distortion/shaper in front of the amp. They are really tweak able and can give you exactly the tone you want.
And always tweak your tones dry. No reverb no delay no Space, nothing
then instead of tweaking the post eq, I set it to pre.
I think the stack EQ defaults to pre.
It may be just my ears or taste, but I find that when using IR's instead of Kemper cabs from profiles, I almost always prefer the sound with Pure Cabinet on 10 and Character on 5 (in the cabinet settings).
I first found this with 3 Sigma Acoustic impulses. I use their Martin D45 and Gibson J45 with a PRS Piezo and I like what it changes. So I tried the same approach with other cabinets from IR's, like the Celestions, and it seems to help there as well for sounds that I like.
Check pure cab it is on in the Output section by default and set to 3
It should be turned off.
If you set Pure Cab in the Stack/CAB below 3 the setting in the Output section will override and you still have a setting of 3 for Pure Cab.
I usually turn it off in the Output and set it the Stack/CAB
keep in mind that Pure Cabinet is an adaptive parameter that does more or less depending on the amount of close-mic'ing artifacts present in the PROFILE.
You have to set it to pre
Yes, it defaults to Post but can be set to pre 👍
Check pure cab it is on in the Output section by default and set to 3
It should be turned off.
If you set Pure Cab in the Stack/CAB below 3 the setting in the Output section will override and you still have a setting of 3 for Pure Cab.
I usually turn it off in the Output and set it the Stack/CAB
Not quite.
The pure cab setting that gets used is the higher of the two. If the cabinet is set to 2 and output to 3 then the output setting of 3mgets used. If the cabinet is set to 5 and output to 3 then the cabinet setting of 5 gets used. -
Not quite.
The pure cab setting that gets used is the higher of the two. If the cabinet is set to 2 and output to 3 then the output setting of 3mgets used. If the cabinet is set to 5 and output to 3 then the cabinet setting of 5 gets used.It's what I said just a different way... still the same result
It's what I said just a different way... still the same result
sorry just reread your post again. I misread it previously and interpreted it as - no matter what you set the amp value to, if output is on an set to 3 you will always get 3. My mistake. 👍
keep in mind that Pure Cabinet is an adaptive parameter that does more or less depending on the amount of close-mic'ing artifacts present in the PROFILE.
This is just my curiosity running away with itself....
The better the Profile, the less Pure Cabinet will do. For my own understanding, is it fair to say:
Adjusting PureCabinet on some Profiles will seem to do very little. Even at high values. Others Profiles it will have a more audible effect for the same value.
Let's say the Profile is perfect and free of all artifacts (not truly possible?). Would that mean Pure Cabinet is unnecessary for that Profile and the knob wouldn't do anything? -
Last night I turned it off and lowered the LPF in the output to about 7K. Sounded great and closer to what I hear standing by a regular amp/cab setup for "amp in room" sound. There's not much above there that makes a difference.
Plug your Kemper into a regular guitar speaker (cab off) and slowly turn down the LPF until you notice it taking off top end. I don't hear it affecting anything much until it gets lower than 7-8K and that's how I have been finding my "real cab" sound setting. The guitar speakers we've been used to for so many years don't produce much highs above that so it makes sense to me not to put those frequencies into the speaker if you want it to sound "natural". Greenback speakers only go up to 5K and I've heard them produce more highs than I wanted before so cutting off at 7K shouldn't have a negative effect.
The guitar speakers we've been used to for so many years don't produce much highs above that so it makes sense to me not to put those frequencies into the speaker if you want it to sound "natural".
but the speakers themselves are the low-shelf filters...
but the speakers themselves are the lowpass filters...
technically speaking (not only related to the kemper),
Why the profiles or ir are full of content above 7k?
Never understood why those highs are here if they are already filtered by the cab.
Last night I turned it off and lowered the LPF in the output to about 7K. Sounded great and closer to what I hear standing by a regular amp/cab setup for "amp in room" sound. There's not much above there that makes a difference.
Plug your Kemper into a regular guitar speaker (cab off) and slowly turn down the LPF until you notice it taking off top end. I don't hear it affecting anything much until it gets lower than 7-8K and that's how I have been finding my "real cab" sound setting. The guitar speakers we've been used to for so many years don't produce much highs above that so it makes sense to me not to put those frequencies into the speaker if you want it to sound "natural". Greenback speakers only go up to 5K and I've heard them produce more highs than I wanted before so cutting off at 7K shouldn't have a negative effect.
a drastic high cut it the only way.
Don’t’ be afraid to cut at 6.5/7.
if you feel you loose too much high end, put more with eq. Works 100% -
technically speaking (not only related to the kemper),
Why the profiles or ir are full of content above 7k?
Never understood why those highs are here if they are already filtered by the cab.
attenuated - yes.
completely filtered out - no
see attached frequency plot of a Celestion V30 -
OT: Strikingly similar to the frequency response of the brilliant speaker emulation in the Marshall jmp1 midi preamp. Which incidently is where all my personal profiles is taken from.
And add to that i used a cab with vintage 30s, and untill i investigated the frequency responses i couldn’t fathom why my line signal was so true to my cab sound.