• I used to play with my KPA for several days now...
    Up to now, the first improvements I see concern the user interface.

    * Push of same button again returns KPA back to where it was :
    as my preference is for System/Page 3/Direct Edit = on, I can go to one of the stomps/stack/effects with one push of a button, and in order to return back I have to press EXIT.
    EXIT is perfect, especially when I'm lost while editing, but in order to have a quick look on, let say, the delay model/parameters, I would prefer to press the DELAY button, have a look, and then press the DELAY button again in order to return back from where I was.
    I think this behavior can be generalized to all buttons like RIG for example.

    * Tag copy/paste :
    another improvement, should be able to copy and paste a whole tag content. I like a lot the tag system and also the editing like it is now, but because I use to reorganize tags on my own, copy/paste would save me a lot of time.

    * Text editing, lowercase to uppercase :
    I would prefer to turn clockwise to change from lowercase to uppercase

    * Tag length :
    it seems that all tags doesn't have the same length ?! For example, when I edit a rig and save it, I use to always put in comment the name of the initial rig, but unfortunately Rig Name have 32 character and Rig Comment tag have only 20... very minor improvement but why not ?

    * Stack info :
    there's some room for more tag infos or for higher font characters

    Edited 5 times, last by aas (August 22, 2012 at 7:37 PM).