Kemper amp blending with Iridium?

  • Blending amps seems to be all the rage these days and unfortunately isn't possible with the Kemper and is a bit of a disadvantage it has compared to Fractal, QC etc.

    Could a workaround though be using the parallel feature and using an Iridium in the direct line? This would mean the Iridium would be sending its own amp/cab sound to the output, and this could then be blended with the Kemper's amp sound on the other line? Has anyone tried this with an Iridium or similar? Cheaper than buying two Kempers anyway! Not that this is a must-have thing by any stretch, but it would be cool to experiment with and an Iridium would be an affordable yet still high quality way of trying.

  • You can blend all the amps you want in a DAW. Does it sound better in a mix? Mostly not because you begin to create muddy tone. Now, having two different tracks/guitarists with two different amps sound good.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.