I’ve played in a band that was all direct to the desk. Electric drums, bass amp head DI, keyboards, acoustic guitar DI and of course the Kemper.
Only one mono stage wedge for the bass player, everyone else using in ears.
I used a Behringer P16 to mix my monitoring. It’s like hearing a recording. There’s proper separation of sounds through decent panning, eq per channel and over the whole mix and a limiter!
I never want to go back to using my 100 watt Marshall, the bass players 500watt mega speaker the keyboard player’s dodgey full range “amp” and a full on ear shattering cymbal fest of a drum kit!
Trying to get half decent sound out of all that is a real challenge. Give me my MR18, Behringer p16 and IEMs any day. Oh and they weigh next to nothing! Venues prefer it once they understand the advantages in terms of sound quality. They like the look of all the amps and shiny cymbals, but they get narked if you disturb the neighbourhood or trigger the db meter power blocker.
I remember it took one snare hit to kill all the power in a venue a few years ago! The owner just pulled the plug from the meter and reset the fuse box. On went the show, far too loud really and certainly nowhere near the db meter cut off!