Posted profiles of my Phaez Corona to rig exchange… there are five profiles ranging clean through lead tones, all built upon a clean amp capture and varying degrees of Green Scream overdrive.
I’ve tested and gigged them at 95db+ through my QSC K12’s and Kemper Kab with flat output and channel EQs. They’ll sound dark for me at lower SPL, but open up at higher SPL.
They will favour humbucker guitars, in my case a Les Paul with 57 Classics and Tele with Duncan Lil’59’s. Roll the guitar tone knob back on the bridge pickup as required to tame bridge highs, neck tone full up to maintain neck clarity.
Interested to know how then translate for others.
Rig names:
Phaez Corona Clean M3 TS H1 (clean’ish)
Phaez Corona Clean M3 TS H2 (breaking)
Phaez Corona Clean M3 TS H3 (crunch)
Phaez Corona Clean M3 TS H4 (more crunch)
Phaez Corona Clean M3 TS H5 (lead tone)