• Don’t believe this is possible yet, apologies if I somehow missed it. The idea would be to create wider soundscapes by layering loops left en right rather than only down the middle. Idea is based on a video just posted by John Cordy (thanks John) :

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  • Yup, Been doing this for a while.
    Helps to use a dual footswitch with loop start and loop stop assigned to it. Then you avoid having to switch in and out of looper mode to change rigs.
    I use a performance with 5 rigs, sometimes copies of the same basic rig plus different Fx, sometimes all different rigs depending on what I want to create. Then use the slot button positions to reference them in the stereo field via the panorama feature. Slot 1 hard left, Slot 5 hard right, slot 3 dead centre with 2 and 4 50% left and right respectfully. This gives loads of sound options especially if you use the acoustic simulator as well as clean, crunch and lead rigs to build your sounds.

    One guitar can create an incredible wall of sound.
    Setting the rig panoramas up in this way gives you a physical reference for where the sound will be placed for the audience too. It’s especially helpful when using stereo in ears to monitor.

    If you want to simplify to try it out, try using one rig but engage the double tracker via stomp switch I -IV for your main loop pattern and then turn it off to solo on top via the more centred sound. This can make one guitar sound like three pretty quickly.

    Just watch the output volume as layers can build up causing the output led to clip.

    Lots of fun to be had with this approach to looping.
