Controlling external pedal with midi and/or floor controller?

  • I can't seem to find a straight answer online. I just got the Jackson Audio Optimist pedal and it has midi. CC1 to turn on OD1 and CC2 to turn on OD2. Does anyone know if there is a way to control this in the Kemper using the floorboard or switching a profile to where it send those midi ccs to the pedal? Thanks.

    **edit besides the effects loop in a stomp slot. I already have a separate pedal in there that doesn't have midi functionality

  • You can, but only in Performance mode.

    When you edit a slot (on the unit, not in RM) you’ll find a MIDI settings page.

    Also, read the manual. It’s simple to do - but the manual will help. I don’t have a reference for where to look in the manual, but it’s there. I’ve been controlling a couple of pedals this way for a while.