Is it possible to blow a speaker while making a profile?

  • I have a large collection of vintage amps that I want to profile. All original speakers, and a lot of them are blackface Fenders.

    So, for example, right now I'm profiling a '67 Band Master. I had it up to about four on the volume. Profile sounds really good.

    But the profiling tones were *really loud*. I was already worried about the speakers at that volume. But where this amp really shines is when it's up at nine or ten. I'm just afraid that the speakers can't take that. It's not the same as a guitar signal.

    So just wondering if anyone has any thoughts about this.

  • Back in 2018 I blew up 4 different speakers trying to get a profile from a Silvertone twin 12. Not a super powerful amp but the test tones are LOUD. I got the lower volume clean profiles just fine but when I went above 6 on the volume, KABOOM!! (actually no real kaboom they just stop working). All the speakers I used (Weber, Celestion, Tone Tubby) were newer and rated much higher than the Silvertone head. I'm sure it was down to operator error as in all my endeavors that go wrong but it stopped me from profiling any of my vintage original combos.

  • Back in 2018 I blew up 4 different speakers trying to get a profile from a Silvertone twin 12. Not a super powerful amp but the test tones are LOUD. I got the lower volume clean profiles just fine but when I went above 6 on the volume, KABOOM!! (actually no real kaboom they just stop working). All the speakers I used (Weber, Celestion, Tone Tubby) were newer and rated much higher than the Silvertone head. I'm sure it was down to operator error as in all my endeavors that go wrong but it stopped me from profiling any of my vintage original combos.

    Just out of curiosity: where those speakers rated at a lower wattage than the amp's (maximum) output?

  • The speakers were rated to take a higher wattage than the head. The amp is a silver tone 1484 which they say is 35 watts but I have all ideas they’re less powerful than that. The lightest speakers I blew were 2 Tone Tubby Red Alnico rated at 50 watts each.

    they all blew during the same part of the profiling process which is towards the end and is the loud machinery sound thing. As I stated before it had to be something I was doing wrong as thousands of people safely profile stuff everyday. I’m about to do another round of profiling here soon, fingers crossed I don’t screw up again.

    Edited once, last by Jon Jon (August 27, 2022 at 5:30 AM).