How to get Max Volume from Powered Kabinet?

  • FWIW, when I first spent time with my Kemper, i chose a number or profiles and immediately set to using them at rehearsals. Having levelled them all for my needs, with the loudest I use falling just short of clipping the output, I ALWAYs find professional and RigManager content to be significantly quieter.

    There might already be untapped headroom in the profiles which hold back the full output.

    All factory profiles and commercial profiles are set to mostly standard levels, that is Amp Volume and Rig Volume at Noon (+- zero dB).

    There is no need to push the Rigs to just below clipping.

    By using max volume on the Power Cabinet chickenhead the headroom of both devices are perfectly matched.

    Then use Power Amp Boost at +6 dB or more, and dial your required volume by using „Monitor Volume“. You can easily reach (and exceed) the 200W rating by this. Hence the Wattage Meter in the Kemper Kone Menu.

    The OP might have missed to check Monitor Volume. If it was e.g. 12 dB lower, you reach only a 16th of the power, that is 12.5W only.

  • chu

    That is true - lots of quieter profiles out there. You can boost the volume of overly quiet profiles in several ways. Eg - you can get into the amplifier parameters and boost the volume there and play with other parameters like compression if you need to. Save your edits and you can match the volume of profiles that are too quiet for you to the louder ones.

    It seems quite common for professional profilers to do a profiling run with different gain levels on the amp they are profiling, starting with gain/volume pots down at 9 o'clock and gradually turning up for the progressively dirtier profiles. The result of profiling this way is loud dirty profiles and very much quieter clean profiles.

    If you are setting up a Performance with a set like this, you will likely want to boost the volume of the quiet clean profiles to better balance the levels.

    This is not exactly true, as mentioned above.

    Quiet Profiles are not a problem.

    And.. it is not possible to create quiet or loud Profiles. Every Profile is set to a unity level during the Profiling process.

    The user has no influence to that whatsoever.

  • This is not exactly true, as mentioned above.

    Quiet Profiles are not a problem.

    And.. it is not possible to create quiet or loud Profiles. Every Profile is set to a unity level during the Profiling process.

    The user has no influence to that whatsoever.

    I was describing my experience with some profile sets. So I am trying to reconcile my experience with what you are saying here.

    By unity do you mean unity gain over the input level? Or unity as in a standard RMS or peak volume level?

    I have many profiles and some are much louder than others. It is possible to boost the level of a quieter profile in the parameters of the profile as I described and I have done this and the result is a louder profile, not clipping. So clearly, the KPA has headroom to cope with boosting in this way. Some profiles may be boosted perhaps after profiling by vendors. Another possibility is that clean profiles are not as compressed as profiles taken at higher gain levels, so subjectively, they are louder even though at peak levels (eg in attack transients) may be more nearly similar in level.

  • I was describing my experience with some profile sets. So I am trying to reconcile my experience with what you are saying here.

    By unity do you mean unity gain over the input level? Or unity as in a standard RMS or peak volume level?

    I have many profiles and some are much louder than others. It is possible to boost the level of a quieter profile in the parameters of the profile as I described and I have done this and the result is a louder profile, not clipping. So clearly, the KPA has headroom to cope with boosting in this way. Some profiles may be boosted perhaps after profiling by vendors. Another possibility is that clean profiles are not as compressed as profiles taken at higher gain levels, so subjectively, they are louder even though at peak levels (eg in attack transients) may be more nearly similar in level.

    Yes, I mean unity RMS level on the output. The RMS is true for distorted as well as clean profiles.

    The balance between clean and distorted Rigs is then set by Clean Sense individually.

    And yes, the Profiler has a lot of headroom. It is especially necessary for the peaks of a clean guitar.

    We are on a thread about Kabinet and loudness. It is not necessary to boost the volumes of the profiles, to reach the maximum rating of the Kabinet. This is done by the controls as described.

  • This is not exactly true, as mentioned above.

    Quiet Profiles are not a problem.

    And.. it is not possible to create quiet or loud Profiles. Every Profile is set to a unity level during the Profiling process.

    The user has no influence to that whatsoever.

    Thanks for confirming that. Myth busted.

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  • Just a note on the technicalities:

    Level is an objective measure - signal voltage, sound pressure - and you measure it in dB relative to some agreed standard - eg dBu, dBV.

    Loudness is a subjective experience - how the sound iteracts with your perceptual apparatus and nervous system - and is measured in phons.

    If I say something is louder, that is analogous to me saying it tastes salty to me. You can't argue with me about my perception. You can only say - well, hmmph, it doesn't taste salty to me. We may not agree but neither of us are necessarily incorrect.