Problems with midi making program changes in Performance mode

  • Just watched a video on how to do program changes in Ableton Live on my Mac laptop and followed it to the T. I'll come back to the video shortly.

    My Mac is plugged into my midi interface and then to the midi in of the Kemper. I've inserted a midi clip with a Program change for Bank 1, Program 16 on the Kemper. On Ableton Live you have the option on the program change to send Bank, Sub, and Program. The guy in the video says put the Kemper bank in the Sub section and program in the program section. So, I did that but when I play the clip it is not changing anything on the Kemper. I tried using the Bank section and that didn't work either.

    There is a little circle looking thing on the right side of the Kemper screen that is showing activity when I play the midi clip, just nothing actually changes on the Kemper. What am I missing here?


  • Make sure the MIDI Channel number of the PC you are sending matches the MIDI channel number assigned to the Profiler in the System Menu.

    I thought I was doing that. I've got the Mac transmitting on channel 1. There's two pages I saw in System on the Kemper. One had device A and device B which are both set to channel 1. The other had a setting on Global, no luck. I tried it on channel one as well. Didn't work.

  • Ableton seems to use the terms "bank" for bank select MSB and "Sub" for bank select LSB. The PROFILER requires bank select MSB always at bank 1 (value 0). Bank select LSB ranges from bank 1 to bank 5 (values 0-4).

    The settings on page "Perform Mode: MIDI" are for making the PROFILER sending MIDI to other devices. It's irrelevant in your case.

    If you leave "MIDI Global Channel" on page "MIDI Settings" at its default (Omnbi) it should work with all 16 MIDI channels, regardless how you set it in Ableton. If you select a specific MIDI channel it needs to match with Ableton.

    Be aware, that the PROFILER doesn't load disabled Slots via MIDI. Default Performances have only Slot 1 enabled.

  • Bank selects are redundent as long as you stay within the same MIDI bank. However, 128 program changes are not sufficient to load all 625 Slots. That's where bank select comes into the game and we use LSB.