Kemper Data Storage

  • With all of our IT equipment we've always tracked the age of our data storage and developed plans to swap them out as they age. With spinning disks it was to avoid the sudden death based on the "bathtub curve" and for SS it's a gradual degradation.

    So I'm keen to know what sort of internal storage the Kemper uses and is there any sense in securing a backup option now for use in the future or is it something generic that a skilled PC repair person could handle?

    Or is it some other more robust method that's expected to last decades?

  • Hmm, I get your point but I don't think the KPA has the same plug and play hardware as a PC - it will be similar but not have the same software architecture to allow it so I think your options/approach should be:

    1) Back everything up ( which I'm sure you do).

    2) In the event of a failure, Kemper Im sure can repair. I had an issue with my ethernet and they have offered to fix or said that a local PC supplier could fix it and gave me the part number.

    3) If uneconomical, then new KPA.

    I think the cost of swapping out boards and storage is going to be close to a replacement unit.

  • I would think the flash memory (which I’m sure is just one type of memory used) in a KPA will outlast a number of other components. It doesn’t degrade with age.

    Flash memory has a finite number of read/write cycles… the same time, I too have been using the same scientific calculator I got in the early 80’s. Solar powered and works just fine. Other stuff is more likely to fail.

    The USB stick I keep on my keychain has battle scars all over it from a LOT of years (at least 5, probably closer to 10. Works just fine…and I’ve been anything but nice to that tough little thing.