What to do about electrical interference?

  • I have moved into a new flat last year and I've noticed that I have a great amount of electrical interference in my studio/office.

    Not only the one that you get sitting too close to any computer/monitor/KPA etc. but there are 'fields' within the room.

    I can walk around the room with a guitar and pick up the noises depending on the direction of the guitar and how close to certain walls etc.

    It's hard to record stuff with any type of hi gain even with humbuckers and SC are out of the question due to the amount of noise underneath the guitar itself.

    Yes, there is dimmers in this room but the amount if interference dosen't matter if they are on/off or at any levels between.

    Is there something I can do to reduce this? (the guitars are professionally shielded, Suhr & PRS, running wireless, no noise when the guitar volume is 0)

  • I built my own recording room using chicken wire to cover the whole room (roof/walls/floor) before I laid down the floor/put up the wall plates.
    I also connected a ground wire to this "Faraday" cage, and ran it to the main water intake (copper) and connected it there.

    If, in case this wasn't enough, I also ran a ground wire outside the house to be connected to a dedicated ground spear driven into the ground in the backyard. Haven't had the need to do this yet though.

    Another thing to consider, if you are using a robot lawn mower, the control wire generates a ton of noise.
    I had to put mine on a timer to get rid of all the static noise...

  • Check your main electrical panel and make sure there is a ground rod in the ground and has a firm connection to the ground wire coming out of the electrical panel. You don't have to open the panel to check. Then get a surge suppressor with noise suppression to connect your equipment.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.