Direct send level vs plugging directly into an amp

  • I've never thought too much about this as my kemper lives permanently rigged up to a patchbay and I use it to route my signal to different destinations.

    I have realised though, that plugging into the kemper and then using the direct send to go to the amps results in a roughly 3.5dB decrease in level hitting the amp. To compensate when profiling/using profiles, I've adjusted the "clean sensitivity" and "dist sensitivity" controls but I'm wondering if there is any way to have the boost applied to the direct send output rather than adjusting the input so there is unity gain from the start.

    Has anyone else compared this? I believe its quite common for reamp boxes to suffer this loss in level; the only one I've found to acknowledge this issue is this reamp box:

  • I have noticed that plugging straight into my amp (any of the amps I use) is always slightly different in tone than plugging in to the Kemper first for the profiling process.

    I've tried a few different methods to even things out (re-amp devices, buffers, and a couple of other devices I don't entirely understand) and have yet to find something that gets it the same - just a different shade of slightly different.

    Luckily, since I've noticed this, I've started dialing my amp with the Kemper in the loop right from the start. I have yet to not be able to dial in a good sound, albeit with slightly different knob settings than I would have otherwise used.