After Last Rig Manager Update not recognize device from USB ( Solved )

  • I just did the last update of the rig manager, but after the update, I get the error that the device is not connected via USB. There were no problems before the update. Anyone else experiencing this problem?

    Update Note: I did uninstall Rig Manager and try re-install and working good now.

    Edited 2 times, last by Qfever (October 16, 2021 at 3:19 AM).

  • I'm also having some issues and posted a detail thread on rig manager forum.
    In summary, I can't load any rigs in rig manager. I double click on rig but nothing happens, I don't get the headphones icon next to it.

    The other issue is that if I have rig manager open, I get issues with Logic. Choppy audio cutting in/out during playback.

    I sent a message to Kemper support, and now just waiting for a reply.

  • What a PIA! I hate accepting auto updates because what everyone is experiencing ALWAYS happens. Get your act together Kemper, the Helix has flawless updating.

    You have to delete all..ALL..Rig Manager software..make sure all other programs are closed..disable any antivirus software, and download the latest SW version from the site...sometimes more than once....ugh

    I'm up and running now after having nothing wrong with my system before the update.