More effects slots (software only)

  • Please can we can more effects slots…

    even if they’re “software only” ones with no associated switches if any kind.

    Particularly post.

    on every rig I’d have a post EQ, Stereo Widener and Reverb. That leaves me basically one post effect slot I can actually use for anything else (and it’s usually got a delay). So if I want a post boost or stereo chorus for example I’m stuck and need to remove something.

    This is such a huge limitation.


  • Why do you put boost on post instead of pre?

    Boost in Post Effects would turn up the volume of the Rig without changing the Gain. ( Morphing the Rig Volume would do this, too)

    As an aside - I almost always use the volume knob on my guitar to add gain for solos, and let the FOH sound engineer adjust as needed. There is one song that we do that I use Morph to turn up the Rig Volume and Delay Mix, without adding gain. But, it is a squeaky clean '80s drenched in Chorus sound.

  • I second the wish for more effect slots (and I bet this has been requested several times).

    I think they could be “ghost slots” for always on effects. In my case it’s an fx loop that always takes away space in the front. Then a tremolo and two drives and I’m out of space although I’d love to add boosters, compressors and so on…

  • I take a different view.

    If we assume that the processing power of the KPA isn’t infinite then at some point there will be a limit to how many FX can be run simultaneously. I have no idea how close we are to that already but given that the KPA is a decade old it “might” not be viable to add many more FX slots. Even if it is I still can’t imagine a situation where I would ever need more than 8 FX on the same rig.

    HOWEVER, i have often wished that I could have more slots EITHER before or AFTER the stack.

    Therefore, I think the problem could be easily solved within the exist system by simply allowing users to select where they want an effect placed in the signal path instead of having fixed routing. That way I could have 2 fx before and 6 after on one rig but 7 before and 1 after on another etc

  • More slots would definitely be nice and it would be nice if you could toggle those in hardware by say pressing a combination such as one of the soft buttons plus the slot in question. I have to say the fact that the Kemper is still having new features added and the OS and hardware is updated after all this time is amazing.

    When we look at other offerings such as the Quad Cortex there are more options available Although to be fair that is a much newer unit that almost certainly is going to have more DSP.

    Having said that, I for one am glad that I do not have to deal with a touch screen and that the pages when going through effects amps etc do not rap around. This means that it is possible for anyone to memorise where you are in the hardware even if you can’t see it. At the moment the only viable option for anyone who is blind is to use the Kemper in conjunction with Rig Manager or possibly the Helix which a friend of mine is using although I personally think the Kemper sounds better.

    That said, I don’t think this will happen due to the DSP in the Kemper although if they said that they could do this and it was going to be a paid upgrade I wouldn’t personally have an issue with this as I appreciate that this may take a bit of coding to sort out.

  • I’d be shocked if brand new features came at a cost. Ever.

    The Player upgrades unlock what’s already there and available elsewhere.

    DSP has never been a concern Kemper has used. Quite the opposite.

    Having software ’slots’ would be an interface nightmare.

  • I still don’t care what “interface nightmare” software slots would be. I’m intelligent enough to get around software quirks.

    Give me possibilities, not limitations. Despite what excuses some users will make for Kemper, Kemper is simply getting left behind by the competition in this regard.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • I still don’t care what “interface nightmare” software slots would be. I’m intelligent enough to get around software quirks.

    Give me possibilities, not limitations. Despite what excuses some users will make for Kemper, Kemper is simply getting left behind by the competition in this regard.

    Which has been said for at least the last decade.

    I get your point. But just like adding dual profiles… it or not, adding ‘software’ effects would be a pain to manage.

    I forget what morphs I’ve applied half the time.

    If Kemper’s way fits, great. If not….move on to those ‘ahead’.

  • Which has been said for at least the last decade.

    I get your point. But just like adding dual profiles… it or not, adding ‘software’ effects would be a pain to manage.

    I forget what morphs I’ve applied half the time.

    If Kemper’s way fits, great. If not….move on to those ‘ahead’.

    I would move on if i could take my own profiles of my jmp1 preamp with me!!! Trust me. But i can’t so i’ll have to stay. I did expect the Kemper to evolve on this point when i bought one, which was not long after the Kemper was issued. But we are still seeing a stubborn refusal to adress this, the MOST asked for request through times.

    I deep learned my GX700 (which i used in conjunction with my jmp1.) It wasn’t hard, even if all the slots were kind of virtual. No pain for me to manage a bit more menu diving. So many things have been added that requires menu diving anyway. Don’t tell me your life will go south if we had to go through a menu to reach a 5th pre amp slot. Come on.

    There are many ways that virtual slots could be implemented in regards to interface.

    The thing that strikes me particularly here is that people who does not think they need a feature seem so against an additional feature being implemented. I just don’t get it.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • The thing that strikes me particularly here is that people who does not think they need a feature seem so against an additional feature being implemented. I just don’t get it.

    I’m guilty of this at times. Not sure why, but I know it’s not limited to this forum.

    *cough* Fractal *hack*

    Those people can be kah-raze-eee.

    Loyalty is one possibility. The desire to feel ‘right’ in their decision and defend their investment.

  • I’m guilty of this at times. Not sure why, but I know it’s not limited to this forum.

    *cough* Fractal *hack*

    Those people can be kah-raze-eee.

    Loyalty is one possibility. The desire to feel ‘right’ in their decision and defend their investment.

    Also super guilty of that as well. As much as I enjoy the additions, regardless of need, I always worry with every update that the more bloated the software gets then more it adds to loading time, ease of use, etc. I'll forever be a follower of the KISS lifestyle rule.

  • There are many ways that virtual slots could be implemented in regards to interface.

    In my opinion, it's not a problem of DSP nor software interface but a matter of hardware interface....

    Big units have been thought to do everything on the hardware itself. One button --> one function or quick access....

    They could eventually combined 2 slots into one with the delay and reverb into reverb slot, noise gate and wah in the same, boost and drive, etc...

    I don't know how it could be tweaked on the hardware ?! Maybe with pages button to reach the parameters you search.... OK, why not ?

    Another problem should be how you affect the FXs switch, if you got a delay and a reverb in the same slot, how does it behave when you press the switch, it turns off/on the two effects, one of these, etc ? My Stage is really ergonomic and simple to use, i don't need to take my phone or my PC to tweak it.... I'm not opposed to add of slots but don't want to see a complicated way to use my device....

    On the other side, Kemper has lanched the Player and you must have a computer or a mobile to change parameters.....

  • Make the now obsolete eq button on the older units into an extra effect slot :). Problem solved.

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