Hi everybody and thanks in advance for the help and support.
I have an almost new Stage unit. No issues at all, noticeably faster than the Powerhead, been super happy.
After the second to last firmware update, on a soundcheck the sound suddenly cut out. I thought it might be the wireless, but I can still see signal on the Stage's input. Both FOA and Monitor engineer lost me. Volume pedal=nothing. Change performance=nothing. Dead. Display shows changes. No sound coming out. We troubleshooted the wireless, and all points to just the Kemper not putting any sound out. Turned it off and back on and worked. Thought it was a random abnormality.
Another release came soon, so I rushed to install it.
Today it happened three times during the show. I have to manually turn the unit off and on and it seems to be fixed. Sound engineer thought maybe of a power issue. The unit doesn't consume much. The theater's power is regulated and safe. Everything was working fine until the second to last update that permanently set the new presets in.
At this point, I don't feel it's safe to bring it to the show tomorrow. I made the mistake of also updating the firmware in my powerhead. I can bring the powerhead to work tomorrow and hope that I don't encounter the same issue.
While I wait to hear back from Kemper next week, I figured maybe I can get some help on the forum.
Should I reset to factory settings first, or try rolling back the driver and then resetting? It's been a solid unit, but I only had it for a couple of months. Certainly hope I don't have to send it for repair!
Thank you all!