Just found this article
where Richard Fortus says:
"Slash and I both tried Kempers out in rehearsal once, and it doesn't work for us,” he said. “For what I do with GNR, it doesn't work. Because we rely so much on our volume knobs on our guitars.
"So, in other words, I use a single-channel amp with Guns, and it's all about the volume knob. So if I want a clean sound, I just roll my volume down. With a tube amp, it gets clean and sparkly. And Slash does the same thing."
He continued, “There's always so many tones just within your volume control, you know? And if you watch live videos both of us are constantly on our volume knobs. We’re always just subtly adjusting things to get the exact sound that we want.
"Now, if I was in Muse or Metallica, and I was just playing open, and I was either getting a really clean sound or a really dirty sound, a Kemper would work, an Axe-Fx would work,” Fortus concluded. “But all subtleties and nuances are lost with that stuff.”