Yep, you heard right. I use the acc sim often with a cab and an "normale" no-gain sound. I just like it. I use morphing too. So it would be nice to "switch-off" via morping (mix to 0).
I really use a highgainsound that morphes to a clean sound. I found out that that clean sound is nicely shaped when I use the acc sim on it.
So morphing between acc and highgain. Sth nobody is able right now!

Mix Value to Accoustic Simulator
Tandrin -
March 7, 2021 at 8:43 PM -
Thread is Resolved
No option to just have the 2 rigs in separate slots and choose them that way?
I would put the AC in stomp A with reverb or something in stomp B then activate Parallel Path. You can then morph between each of the two paths. The AC signal will bypass the Stack block completely but it isn’t designed to work with the Stack block anyway so in most cases this shouldn’t be an issue.
i get a very high end hisssss on the acoustic sim,,,,,no useable for me yet,,
i get a very high end hisssss on the acoustic sim,,,,,no useable for me yet,,
are you using it with the Stack turned on and/o a compressor in the chain? Those can really accentuate hiss with the AC
everything off,, I tried the TJ sim as well,, no luck,, hissssssss
wow. That’s strange. I didn’t notice much if any hiss with the stack bypassed but I haven’t listened for a long while as I use a piezo equipped guitar instead.
sounds more of a very high,, / whine/almost digital,, electric noise ,, when I dump all high end, its gone, but it kills the tone, with no sparkle, and pick attack,either way, no biggie, I was just trying it ,,now theres one in my headrush,came with the new update,,, same noise, tried diff guitars, diff pickups, just not there for me yet,but close...still not quite sure how to run it, first slot, nothing else? no profile,,?
Same here! There's another thread about this hiss:
...still not quite sure how to run it, first slot, nothing else? no profile,,?
I believe CK recommends in Slot X with nothing in front but maybe some Reverb etc after. This makes the AS stereo. Personally, I found the stereo effect a bit unnatural and preferred it in one of the Stomp slots so it runs in mono.
thanks so much,,,home today. Ill try it,,
my experience with the acoustic sim is exactly what described just now.
I have a JP6 with piezo and trying the piezo signal in the rig , it generates a big mess of hiss if the amp stack ( especially the cab block!) is not shut down.
Same impact with the acoustic simulation put in a normal rig chain whatever signal you want to simulate.
Best results i achieve are the blending with parallel signal ( as described by Wheresthedug), putting the AS in block A , B with reverb or a smooth chorus, then the rest of the chain with a pristine clean amp sound