Cabinet simulator (MIKKO)

  • Hi.I used to have a lot of help and it was very helpful.

    A new problem has emerged.

    How can I set up to use the Mikko player instead of using the cabinet simulator in Kemper?

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    Any help would be appreciated.


  • What are you using i for? Live or Recording?

    I haven't Used Mikko but I would assume -

    For live you would make the IR in Mikko and export it. Once exported just drag the file into Rig Manager Presets.

    For Recording you cn use the Rig with Cab turned off and just load Mikko or another IR player as a plugin in your DAW.

  • Hi Wherethedug.

    Thank you for reply.

    My purpose is to recording with DTM.

    Well...I first turned off cabinet simulator of Kemper. And I added Mikko player to Kemper's audio track insert.

    However, when I played it in real time, the sound of Mikko player did not respond.


  • When you play the recording, it is reflected properly.

    Excuse me. My explanation was insufficient.

    The "real time" I explained is that I want the Mikko player to react to the sound I play on the Kemper before recording.

    I want to play with Kemper + Mikko player like him in the video. (04:22〜)

  • Wheresthedug

    What you think about effects section? For example i want use cabsim in DAW and also want use effects section in Kemper.

    Any ideas about routing?

    I would suggest sending the Stack section to the DAW then routing the output from the GTR channel back out of the interface to the FX Loop return on the Kemper. It’s not something I’ve ever done though some maybe someone else can chime in with more details.

  • What are you using i for? Live or Recording?

    I haven't Used Mikko but I would assume -

    For live you would make the IR in Mikko and export it. Once exported just drag the file into Rig Manager Presets.

    For Recording you cn use the Rig with Cab turned off and just load Mikko or another IR player as a plugin in your DAW.

    HI Alan,

    as you see, another User trying to enhance the kemper through an external IR optimiser/IR mixer reminds to the enhancements discussion started by me some days ago :)

    High time to let the cab maker in KPA to work as the device here :) or to use such a potential joint venture :)

    Cheers, Enzo

    Edited once, last by earuta78 (January 18, 2021 at 4:00 PM).

  • HI Alan,

    as you see, another User trying to enhance the kemper through an external IR optimiser/IR mixer reminds to the enhancements discussion started by me some days ago :)

    High time to let the cab maker in KPA to work as the device here :) or to use such a potential joint venture :)

    Cheers, Enzo

    I actually downloaded Mikko after our previous discussion. I still haven’t tried yet it but it looks like it only offers the mic position flexibility etc if you are using their own proprietary IRs even though these can then be exported for use in other systems such as Kemper. Is that correct?

    I’m all for flexibility and allowing people to make their own decisions but for me personally this all seems like too much hassle when the in built cabs sound so good already. Not saying others should use it just that I can’t be bothered with the hassle ?

  • why would you use a IR mixer to create Merged Profiles?

    Hi Don, a merged profile is IMHO the best pairing workflow in KPA.

    In order to create a similar philosophy ( i not the same technique..) just the torpedo / two notes blends the impact of 2 microphones or just having f.e. a "wished box" in which you can mount 2 different speakers families. In this way i match (logically for my best of acoustic impact) the best amp profile with the for-me-best-of IR/cab configuration.

    I make it simple and simplicity: if i could extract the for-my-ears best Wav. file from the wall of sound / torpedo products and then convert with the cab manager in my KPA and feed with it the KPA, i would go for it. This is not possible because torpedo doesn´t allow it. Hence Mikko would be a good option for this.

  • I actually downloaded Mikko after our previous discussion. I still haven’t tried yet it but it looks like it only offers the mic position flexibility etc if you are using their own proprietary IRs even though these can then be exported for use in other systems such as Kemper. Is that correct?

    I’m all for flexibility and allowing people to make their own decisions but for me personally this all seems like too much hassle when the in built cabs sound so good already. Not saying others should use it just that I can’t be bothered with the hassle ?

    If torpedo / WOS would allow the same function as Mikko, i think we wouldn´t still write this topic :)

    yes, it seems that using their IR products, you have the files in the format / device you need.

    Regarding the cab sound, you are absolutely right. There is however a group of musicians who are audiophile-addicted. I am one of them and i have no fear and regret to say. And the KPA is a tool who satisfies the audiophile musicians too.

    Coming back to the Mikko, it is a potential valid tool, but i don´t see so many cab/speakers choices compared to the torpedos. For the price of a Mikko pack i know a couple of valid professional hifi IRs vendor with a huge choice of cabs, mics and speakers options.

  • Hi. I got a reply from ML Sound Lab.

    「Hey there Eleanor! 

    Thanks for getting in touch. I'm afraid as I don't own a Kemper, I can't say for certain how to do it, but I'll speak to Mikko himself and see what he says. If the Kemper works as an audio interface, set your cabless signal path to the input of MIKKO, and the output of MIKKO to the main output of Kemper. If the Kemper doesn't function as an interface, run the main outputs of your Kemper into your interface, and plug your monitoring system into your interface. In the Audio/MIDI Settings menu of MIKKO, select your interface as the input/output devices, then select the channels of your interface that you're using.

    Hope this helps you out, and if not, I'll have a full solution for you shortly.

    You'll need to disable the cabinet simulation in Kemper, then run out of the Kemper into an audio interface. If you already own an interface, you'll be able to set it straight up with the trial version (MIKKO Player) and test for yourself. Unlocking it by purchasing any of the extension packs will allow you the ability to export your IRs as .wav files. Hope this clears things up for you!」

    From here I am wondering how to set it. .. ..:/


  • The KPA does not function as an audio interface. It has usb, but this is only there to communicate with Rig Manager.

    So, what you do is as follows:

    1. You connect the outputs of your Kemper into your audio interface (Quad Capture input 1 (and 2))

    2. You select this interface as the input for MIKKO Player

    3. You connect a monitoring system (headphones, active speakers) to the outputs of the Quad Capture

    4. You select this interface as the output for MIKKO Player (Output 1 and 2)

    5. Disable the cabinet section on the KPA, or use direct profiles

    6. Make some noise!

    Hope this helps.

  • I actually downloaded Mikko after our previous discussion. I still haven’t tried yet it but it looks like it only offers the mic position flexibility etc if you are using their own proprietary IRs even though these can then be exported for use in other systems such as Kemper. Is that correct?

    Yes, that's how the plugin works. So it's more about the UI and I would guess that some IRs in between the values are calculated by the software.

    I’m all for flexibility and allowing people to make their own decisions but for me personally this all seems like too much hassle when the in built cabs sound so good already. Not saying others should use it just that I can’t be bothered with the hassle ?

    Hm, for me the Kemper is all about the flexibility of creating the sound that I like with my cabs and microphones.

    IR Mixers - or as I like to call them - workflow killers.

    I would agree when it comes to IR mixers which offers you X load slots for IRs named like mygreatcab_sm57_md421_micposition_offcenter_1.

    From here I am wondering how to set it. .. ..

    You have to set there you're audio interface which you are using. Than enable the input where the Kemper is inserted and the outputs from which you want to hear the sound.