Feature request - Batch editing and fx chain storage

  • Hi,

    I’ve mentioned this one before - it would be useful to be able to (for example) apply your favourite fx chain to multiple profiles at once in rig manager then batch save.

    This would be nicer still now with Kemper Kone.... I just got the Kone and like it very much :). I was also lucky enough to get the Tone Junkie everything pack for a bargain price due to Black Friday. It would be awesome to be able to apply the imprint as a batch...,, For instance, some of the tweed amps were profiles with a Jenson P10. If I want to audition these using Kone and the speaker that TJ used, I must select each profile, change the Kone imprint and save. First world problem for sure but some of these amps have 40 profiles which are all profiled with the same speaker. A lot of mouse clicks could be saved here if a user wanted to use the Kone as per the original profile. Yes, I know it’s always best to see what you like but I’d ideally like to start from the original is a simple manner.

  • Hi, Gary_W.

    You can speed up the process of applying a Kone Imprint to several Profiles directly on the Profiler (no mouse clicking required).


    1. In a Profile, set the Cab settings you want (Speaker Imprint)
    2. Store the Profile
    3. Lock the Cab module
    4. Load another Profile (this will use the settings in the Locked Cab module)
    5. Store the Profile


    1. Press the Output button
    2. Make sure you have Kemper Kone selected and Mon Cab Off selected
    3. Go to a Profile
    4. Press and Hold Cab
    5. Press Right - Page button to [Page 2/2]. This page is only visible if you have done step step 2
    6. Select the Imprint you want (not the global imprint) (e.g., Jenson P10) (Turn 3rd knob from the left below the display)
    7. Press Exit
    8. Press and Hold the Lock button
    9. Press the Cab button.
    10. Store the Profile
    11. From this point - until you unlock the Cab module every Profile you load will use the Jenson P10 speaker imprint.
    12. You can now scroll through all the Profiles where you want to use the Jenson P10 speaker imprint. Load and Store the Profile.

    How's that?

    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited once, last by ST (December 28, 2020 at 2:31 AM).

  • Hi, Paults,

    When I store a Profile with the Cab set to the Default Kone Imprint ("Use Speaker Imprint Globally Selected:") - it doesn't store the value of the Imprint, just the option to use the Globally Selected one. If I subsequently change the Globally Selected Imprint, the Profile uses the new Global Selection.

    Have I misunderstood you?


  • Hi, paults,

    Oh, okay. I missed "audition" because I was thought Gary_W was looking for an easy way to Store the Cab settings in several Profiles.

    " apply your favourite fx chain to multiple profiles at once in rig manager then batch save."

    But looking back, I see he also said,

    "It would be awesome to be able to apply the imprint as a batch...,, For instance, some of the tweed amps were profiles with a Jenson P10. If I want to audition these using Kone and the speaker that TJ used, I must select each profile, change the Kone imprint and save."



  • Thanks for the replies.

    ST - I appreciate the detailed instructions. Thank you :) I’ll try this later - might help things a little as a work around but hope that the company will consider fx chain storage / batch editing as this would for sure help quite a lot of people I think.

    Paul - for auditioning, your suggestion helpful for sure. I just think it’d be great to be able to apply any particular setting within Rig Manager easily. It’s a useful thing when you pull up a profile pack that has one cablinet / speaker so as you can just save them as per the original without any further fiddling. It would also be useful for (say) swapping out the old legacy reverb with the newer reverb on a bunch of profiles at a time. Again, you can just lock it but being able to make permanent changes to multiple profiles would be helpful.