Kemper Newb, Can anyone help me find this tone pls?

  • Hi

    I am pretty new to the Kemper scene. Getting to grips with the various operational features etc. But am struggling with 'how to get THAT tone'.

    I play in a covers band so near-authenticity is important (at least it is to us) so I am always looking to get as close to the tone of something we are covering as possible.

    This time, it is a Christmas song. Please come home for Christmas, The Eagles. As far as I am aware, the solo ( a short but tasty thing) was by the great Joe Walsh.

    Problem I am having is getting that lovely creamy, richer tone that doesnt really have much grit, just tube creaminess. We sure do describe sound in strange ways eh?

    I have literally dozens, maybe hundreds of profiles from all sorts of providers. Maybe too many. Grit and crunch are easy. Shimmering cleans are easy. But this 'in-between', sort of clean , tubey, creamy overdrive, I am finding real hard to find.

    I have tried both Tele and Les Paul (which I believe is what JW used) and neither seem to deliver with anything I have tried.

    If you want to take a listen to the solo (it is short but very sweet) it is here. Solo kicks in at 2:13

    Please Come Home For Christmas. The Eagles

    Really appreciate any help. If I cant nail this we may have to give up on it and do Holly Jolly Christmas on the acoustic :(



  • Hi All

    Thanks for the tips, I will give them all a try tomorrow. Looking forward to playing :)

    BTW, is there any resource anywhere for 'ToneMatch' for the kemper? A few modelling gear providers are doing it now. Thought it would be a perfect fir for the Kemper camp. Maybe not Kemper directly, although I dont really see why not.

    Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I will try them out.

