Dual Setup with Amp and Kemper

  • hi Folks,

    Is it possible to set up a dual amp with the Kemper. So the idea is

    Guitar -- > Kemper Input

    Kemper Loop or Send (Pre Stack) -- > Physical Amp input

    So basically my Kemper rig will be will be AMP 1 sent direct to FOH. The signal Pre Stack that is sent to AMP2 can then be sent direct through to PA as well where we can blend to taste.

    I guess it is easy to do with an ABY box but I'm trying to avoid that route. Can I use one of the loops to achieve this? Also the key is there might be times when I want only one amp to be active. I guess if the loop is switched off then I can ensure that the Kemper is active. However, if the loop is on is it possible to kill the signal out of the Kemper?
