[Public Beta] PROFILER OS

  • Nobody is dissing anyone.

    I guess we all like pedals.I like me a good pedal.It is just that I and some others don´t like the hype around them.



    Screen printed on the front of the KTR are the words "kindly remember that the ridiculous hype that offends so many is not of my making", in response to the cult following garnered by the original Centaur.


    Well..for my part I agree.But this does not mean that I don´t have use for a good TS.For certain styles of music.

    Edited once, last by Nikos (October 27, 2020 at 7:10 PM).

  • The post I quoted literally said "yes I dis." :/

    I think he clearly expressed that he loves the playing of all these guys.

    I can´t wait for the Fuzz machine.With the KD I can cover some sounds I always wanted to have for fusion style music.But I really would like to built me a Eric Johnson style rig.

  • This feels like a missed chance! Why not give us an easy too use Klon - when I understand CK right, this should be an easy task, because everything is there already.

    I feel the opposite. Pretty much every other digital solution out there gives you specific stomps that are copies of pedals. It's and old, tired and expected way of doing things. Far less flexible.

    So just set your Klon preset to 'real Klon' and lock it. Done.

  • Landau and Landreth both use always-on pedals most of the time, and Ford's used a pedal for his overdrive tone since the 2000's... if you're going to dis people at least get it right.

    I have it right. I’ve sat next to the stage for all of those guys. Landreth certainly uses a ton of Zen, but sounded best with less hair and Landau sounded best clean as well, and that’s what his tone was for 90% of the night, both in LA and more recently with Gadd in New York. I’m not claiming it’s exactly the same as the boost he uses, but he could easily get his sound with what’s inside the green toaster. The only time I saw Ford live was during his brief duo tour with Scofield. Ford’s Dumble was too loud for the small venue, and he was not using the Zen or the Dumkudo even though both were there. Scofield, on a strat copy through a Two Rock was amazing, even though it wasn’t the tone we all know and love.

  • ... So just set your Klon preset to 'real Klon' and lock it. Done.

    So you can tell me the exact slim down parameters when I change drive settings, so I can set the "real Klon"? Is there a formula? I know, go by ear again.

    And Definition is 5.2 on the Klon presets. Is this a "calculated" value or just set by ear by CK (like on 5.2 it does sound pretty similar). I have no problem with both, just asking.

  • Probably that is your goal. But mine is to have fun. And some times I have more fun just searching for tones or tweaking than just playing and playing to improve my skills as a musician.

    And also, knowing how to get different sounds makes you a better musician. Not only playing your instrument.

    I wouldn't say that either goal is mutually exclusive. I know that as I improve as a musician, I have more fun when I play, especially when I play with musicians who have an ear and are listening and responding to what I am playing. It also opens doors when musicians whom I respect, hear me play, and say they would like to collaborate some time. I too have had fun chasing tone and 'the perfect rig', but that has grown tedious for me as I recognize what is of value (to me), and what is not. While I have had plenty of people compliment my tone using both the Kemper and my tube amp, I definitely enjoy the compliments to my playing more. Again, YMMV.

  • I wouldn't say that either goal is mutually exclusive. I know that as I improve as a musician, I have more fun when I play, especially when I play with musicians who have an ear and are listening and responding to what I am playing. It also opens doors when musicians whom I respect, hear me play, and say they would like to collaborate some time. I too have had fun chasing tone and 'the perfect rig', but that has grown tedious for me as I recognize what is of value (to me), and what is not. While I have had plenty of people compliment my tone using both the Kemper and my tube amp, I definitely enjoy the compliments to my playing more. Again, YMMV.

    Becoming "better" as a musician is only worth something, when it benefits the style, song, record...

    There are so many old heroes who don't get tired to emphasize how they got better as a musician. But they don't rock anymore. Songwriting is not better (even if they understand theory now), records are lame. The reviews says "matured like old wine" and such things. But everone likes the first raw record.

  • Becoming "better" as a musician is only worth something, when it benefits the style, song, record...

    There are so many old heroes who don't get tired to emphasize how they got better as a musician. But they don't rock anymore. Songwriting is not better (even if they understand theory now), records are lame. The reviews says "matured like old wine" and such things. But everone likes the first raw record.

    Age changes things. Most often - that's what you hear in their music.

    It has little to do with what they did or did not learn. Your skill, your perspective and your attitude towards things changes. Some people like the new stuff - hate the old. Others, it's the reverse. It's not good or bad - it's literally being human.

  • there IS only one wah. all wah presets are based on the same model. did I miss sarcasm here? ;)

    and there is a very similar approach in the delays - where else can you get a crystal delay with reverse and tape elements? (and more)

    I can only give you my perspective, but I've no doubt many perspective Kemper owners would think the same. When I bought the Kemper, I looked through the wah presets, tried them all, settled on the cry baby, probably because that's what I'm most familiar with. When I use my expression pedal (which is permanent wah) I have all of the functionality of a crybaby.

    I'm not a tweaker, I get annoyed with myself if I realise I've spent more time fiddling with knobs than playing. I'm familiar with what an SD-1 can do, and I'm interested in what a Klon could do or how a Rat would sound different. That's probably the limit of my interest with the overdrives, I honestly don't think I'd tinker with the endless possibilities of the Kemper Drive, but others definitely will, it's a powerful tool.

    Unlike selecting the Crybaby preset, selecting the SD-1 preset isn't going to give me the functionality of an SD-1 pedal, and as others have said, if I want to tinker with a virtual Klon, I currently can't as I'm not familiar with the limits of it's parameters, but I (and I'm sure many other perspective Kemper owners) would like to.

    I'm not for a moment suggesting you limit the functionality of the Kemper which you seem to think I'm suggesting, I'm just suggesting instead of only offering the smorgasbord, it would be better to offer people dishes they're familiar with so as to not overwhelm their palate, and offer the smorgasbord

    Edited once, last by stratdude (October 27, 2020 at 9:37 PM).

  • great & detailed post, thank you :)

    have you tried increasing the Volume of the Kemper Drive to get a stronger bass response?

    Increase the "Volume" parameter of the Kemper Drive to let the profiled amp go into its own saturation. Once the compression kicks in, the bass response will start to get this "warm subtle bottom end".

    I’ve tried different volume levels. Yes, the bottom end increases but it is “thighter” than the Blues Breaker. I’ve tried to adjust the tone but not the same thing. I can’t do a frequency analysis like lightbox did with the Klon clone., but I guess I can live with this difference in a mix.

  • Man, profiles just don’t push like amps. I feared this day would come for a long time now after first trying a Pure Boost in front of a profile. You push more volume into it and it gets (more driven but)...quieter. I’m having the same problem with the Kemper OD. Always quieter than bypassed.

    Yes, I know about amp compression and headroom, etc. profiles just don’t have near the headroom of amps. I wonder if the “volume” in the stomp could somehow push the amp a little harder WHILE ALSO turning up the amp block’s volume slightly. Make it a little more realistic... and yes, I also know that I could do that through various methods of trickery but the ultimate goal would be not using any “workarounds”. Turn on a KOD stomp and get the sound you want. Done.

    Edited once, last by dickjonesify (October 28, 2020 at 12:25 PM).

  • Man, profiles just don’t push like amps. I feared this day would come for a long time now after first trying a Pure Boost in front of a profile. You push more volume into it and it gets (more driven but)...quieter. I’m having the same problem with the Kemper OD. Always quieter than bypassed.

    Yes, I know about amp compression and headroom, etc. profiles just don’t have near the headroom of amps. I wonder if the “volume” in the stomp could somehow push the amp a little harder WHILE ALSO turning up the amp blocks volume slightly. Make it a little more realistic... and yes, I also know that I could do that through various methods of trickery but the ultimate goal would be not using any “workarounds”. Turn on a KOD stomp and get the sound you want. Done.

    This is not due to a lack of headroom, but due to the volume compensation of the profiles.

    Bring down Clean Sens, and there you have the volume boost that you are missing.

    You create the volume boost mainly by lowering the volume (Clean Sens) of the cleanish amp, when the KD is inactive.

  • This is not due to a lack of headroom, but due to the volume compensation of the profiles.

    Bring down Clean Sens, and there you have the volume boost that you are missing.

    You create the volume boost mainly by lowering the volume (Clean Sens) of the cleanish amp, when the KD is inactive.

    I tried to understand and actually confirm what you wrote here. But that's exactly the stuff I don't get my head around yet because ...

    1. If I setup an (actual) amp for a nice crunchy sound with my Burstbucker loaded Gibson Les Paul and then I switch to a (naturally lower output) Fender Strat, the sound will be much cleaner. That's natural and I want to retain this (natural) effect. Different guitars react differently with a given amp setting.
    2. My Profilers have always been set to 0.0 in Clean Sens, Dist Sens and Reamp Sens ... since day one. Now when I profile the above amp, I get exactly that sound and also the different behaviour with different guitars. Great! When I turn down Clean Sens (or Reamp Sens), the entire sound cleans up and the crunch disappears. No way! I don't want that!
    3. Now I want to boost this crunchy amp profile into a singing lead sound (with my Les Paul). I add a Kemper Drive e.g. in slot A, give it a touch of dirt ( e.g. Drive: 2.6) and start boosting the amp with the Volume parameter. The overall distortion slowly increases while turning up the Volume parameter and so does the overall perceived loudness. But at some point, the perceived loudness (and signal levels) starts to drop if I increase the Volume further. It's like "a compressor without make-up gain". And this does NOT happen with the real amp, at least not at the crunch setting it's set to and then a similar overdrive boost in front. It feels like "power is sagging e.g. by a weak transformer". And this can't be right but certainly has a reason I'm not aware of. Solution? Unknown. ;)
  • This is not due to a lack of headroom, but due to the volume compensation of the profiles.

    Bring down Clean Sens, and there you have the volume boost that you are missing.

    You create the volume boost mainly by lowering the volume (Clean Sens) of the cleanish amp, when the KD is inactive.

    Thanks for the reply, CK

    I’ve got it down a little. I’ll try and push it further :thumbup:
    Consider though, that the volume compensation may be too drastic. I know many people who moved on to Fractal or similar only because of this one issue. They all say the same thing. The Kemper doesn’t have enough “headroom” for pedals.