First of all like to thank you all for sharing your
Same versions of
KEMPER/Poweramp/Kemper KONES Speakers experiences-tips etc.
I have been reading here about this subject trying to get my brain up to ‘KEMPER Speed’, terminology,
Info, KPA>Power Amp>2-12 cabinet>Kemper KONES.
I want to start by putting the KONES into the 2-12.
I had read here to be sure to Tnut and Wood screw the speakers in.
I was glad that my chosen 2-12 maker had done so
Once I received the cabinet and inspected it YIPPEE!
I have been studying the power amp,
Cuz it’s new to me because it is from Europe,
German I think.
I need to select mode of operation I/O’s
And generally make sure all is good
Before blastoff. Haha
And of coarse KPA Monitor Out,
And KPA settings-choosing-enabling or Not.
Brain overload whew!
Thats the plan, but I gotta thank all of you
For giving me the confidence to attempt these tasks.
A huge thank you,
And I’m certain that I will
Be checking back for my needed
Knowledge Upgrade and stuff.