Profiles sounding terrible when trying to record

  • Hi guys,

    Bare with me on this, it's the first time I've tried recording...!

    I've got a Focusrite 6i6 2nd Gen interface, and am running Studio one v5. I have the Kemper connected via SPDIF to the interface, and the audio settings configured accordingly within Studio one. I wanted to try re-amping, so have the left channel on one strip and the right channel on another. SPDIF output set to Studio Git.

    However... the Kemper sounds pretty bad when trying to record this way. The only way I can describe it is fizzy and compressed; it sounds much more open and 'responsive' if I connect the headphones directly to the Kemper itself!

    Is this likely just the interface colouring the sound? Are there any settings I need to ensure I've set within Studio One or the Focusrite software?

    Plugins (Neural and Helix Native) sound fantastic - but I really want to use the Kemper for recording as well. I'll attempt the whole reamping stuff once I've got the sound sorted...

    Any guidance would be massively appreciated - thanks in advance!