I searched the forum and didn't really find anything on this. I've got a Kemper Rack (unpowered), current OS, current Rig Manager version, running into a Fryette PowerStation and then to a 2x12 with Celestion F12-X200's.
When I play a "crunchy" profile (like a MBritt EL84 crunch) i get this bit of distortion that sound somewhat "digital" or clipping (not in the good way). My input is not "red," and messed about with Clean Sense and Distortion Sense to no avail. I'm not running anything in the loop, no external effects pedals. Have two Mission pedals (1 wah, 1 morphing).
Here's a clip from tonight -- the sound I'm talking about is just "behind" the main tone. Hoping for any thoughts. It does this equally (as far as I can hear) regardless of guitar, pickups, etc. On pure clean rigs I don't hear it, and if it's on the full distortion rigs (Marshall 800, '69 50w, etc.) I can't hear it over the main distortion.
I'd appreciate any thoughts. FWIW, I just watched a ToneJunkie YouTube clip on using the Clean and Distortion Sense, and it seemed like HW may be having that same sound (he apparently didn't mind it or didn't hear it).
Edited to add: it is most prominent on the G string from open up to maybe D or so ... in the clip below, to my ears, this "clipping" diminishes when I'm on the B string at the 7-9 frets. This made me think EQ, but adjusting the BMT and Presence controls on the Rig didn't seem to affect this "clipping" tone.