Hello guys,
I have seen reviews stating that the quality of overdrive pedal profiles can be really good, which is a very nice start...
Now my question: Which options do we have to profile an overdrive pedal? Or, how would you do or recommend it?
a) I think I understood the "basic way" for it, where I could setup a normal amp (e. g. a JCM800) and connect the Profiler via Direct Out/Send with the amp and I would connect my overdrive pedal to the Profiler Input and my guitar to the pedal, quite classic. Finally connecting the recording mic in Return port of Profiler. ( Like that image plus pedal next to the guitar: https://www.kemper-amps.com/images/pagecon…itar-amp.jpg?v5 ).
--> ...as a profile this gives me a snapshot of the current sound of that amp with my overdrive pedal, specific to the used settings, right?
So far so good...
b) Is there a setup to do basically the same thing just using one of the virtual amps (already profiled) inside the Kemper? So that I could use an amp profile (e. g. a JCM800 profile) to build upon, adding my pedal sound to the mix (for a new profile with that included), instead of needing access to the actual physical amp... Possible?
--> ...creating a new profile consisting of an existing kemper profile plus my overdrive pedal sound... (?)
c) Would the profiler DI box be helpful for me profiling an overdrive pedal? Recommended for that case or in general? If I got it right, it basically just eliminates the need to setup a recording mic, is that correct...? Or is it completely different or is there more to it?
d) I guess it is not possible to "isolate" the sound manipulation of my overdrive pedal (with its current settings) with the Profiler as a kind of "pure effects profile", is it? (Which would make you more independent from a specific amp's basic sound).