Different sounding rigs after latest update (7.5.1)?

  • I wanted to ask if anybody experienced anything similar after updating to 5.7.1.:

    Some slots within performances sound different than before. I thought maybe it was only my ears but then I checked the amp models in the rig menu (I am talking especially about the 57 Deluxe rig from the latest MB 2020 pack). Some of the rigs just do not sound as they did before, I think. They are al lot brighter, harsher and just "different". I noticed it while changing slots within performances: half of the performances sound as before, but others (with different rigs/settings of the same amp) do not sound right. I think I really know how I set those performances up. The slots sound too "different" now.

    If it is only me I will double check if maybe any output parameters have been messed up or something like that.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • its not only you theres already another thread bout this

    i have the same experience, one question did the update through Rigmanager went smooth at your side,

    or did you got an error message, that was the case in my update, after the second attempt all went smooth

    but i have the diff sounding rigs too

  • its not only you theres already another thread bout this

    i have the same experience, one question did the update through Rigmanager went smooth at your side,

    or did you got an error message, that was the case in my update, after the second attempt all went smooth

    but i have the diff sounding rigs too

    The Update process itself was ok as always (always in my case). I wish I could get back to the older beta.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • Now that I have installed the latest official version 4.7.1 everything seems to work fine, again. Damn, that´s why betas are called betas, I guess. I miss the AS, now that was making progress in making it sound quite usable. But I bet today will see a bug fix of the latest beta, so that I won´t have to live without too long.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • Hey guys! I noticed the same. After the update some rigs sounded thin almost like having a phase problem. I selected an other speaker in the cabmodule and then loaded the old speaker back again. The result: it sounded like I've used to know. Maybe it's a bug with this module.

    Edited once, last by Bodo612 (July 2, 2020 at 1:05 PM).

  • I selected an other speaker in the cabmodule and then loaded the old speaker back again. The result: it sounded like I've used to know. Maybe it's a bug with this module.

    Did some "research" and i can second that ,

    thin harsh Sound, then choosing any other Speaker in the Cab Module, then Undo this, and the Rig sounds like it should.

    Think this is not happening with every Rig, but when i think this Sound is not right, i do it that way and the Sound changes

    extremly to what is was meant.

    Will open support Ticket

  • Yep. Just updated to 7.5.1 and it has destroyed my presets. Sounds absolutely terrible now and switching cabs doesn't seem to fix it for me. Guess I'll be learning some acoustic stuff today.

  • Strange. I myself cannot complain about bad sounds, more the other way. Got the uncertain impression that the profiler was sounding better after the update.

    But: why do they do things on a beta update which change sounds? Ok, when they found a bug in Green Scream. But what users are reporting here seems to be a much wider changes in sounds - which is a very bad thing for users. Leading to the impression of a muddled, scrambled code base.

  • Wonder if a reset could fix it. But, it doesn't seem to be confined to profiles on the Kemper. Even loading them off my computer they sound awful. Tone Junkies John Mayer is a set in particular that I use daily and now they are just unusable garbage. Never had an issue with updates til now, but yeah, suuuuuucks.

  • reset dont work, I've tried this,

    you have to go back to 7.5 Beta or 7.41 release

    I didn't realize you could roll back. Do either of those have the new high/low cuts? I was excited to have those as I find my speaker has way too much low end which I am constantly adjusting profiles for.

  • No problem here. But I remember I had that problem with 3.(something)and profiles sounded really bad and had to go back to last update but as soon as a new version was out I updated and everything sounded as is should do. So I'm not surprised this has happened to others. Why it happens to some or not I do not know why.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • I tried reverting my head back to OS and I received an error message so I am stuck with the buggy upgrade for now. One thing I discovered today is that it appears to be linked to the Low Shift control in the Cabinet section. If you move the Low Shift off of 0.0 or stored a rig with a value other than 0.0, you get the nasty nasal tones that cannot be dialed out.

    I also seem to notice a general lack of high end overall but perhaps that is just my ears being worn out dicking with the Low Shift weirdness.

    Kemper has been great about responding to customer issues so I expect this to be sorted out soon. Hopefully my observations can help.

  • Last night I had to play a gig! Yesterday afternoon I installed OS 7.4.1 - the official release - again and everything worked fine during the gig.

    I will update to 7.5 today again. To install 7.5.1 is no good idea because I recogniced - similar than NotScott: if you turn the LowShift away from 0.0 the old sound problem appears again. So let's wait for the next release.

  • I tried reverting my head back to OS and I received an error message so I am stuck with the buggy upgrade for now. One thing I discovered today is that it appears to be linked to the Low Shift control in the Cabinet section. If you move the Low Shift off of 0.0 or stored a rig with a value other than 0.0, you get the nasty nasal tones that cannot be dialed out.

    I also seem to notice a general lack of high end overall but perhaps that is just my ears being worn out dicking with the Low Shift weirdness.

    Kemper has been great about responding to customer issues so I expect this to be sorted out soon. Hopefully my observations can help.

    I noticed the same behavior. For more details see my latest post!