Recordng n spdf usng an apollo twn

  • Frst off, my apologes for the varous typos. Splled beer on my keyboard last nght, and now the "eye" key does not work. "eye", as n the letter "eye". And my backspace won't work ether. Among many other thngs Anyways....

    Got my kemper profler stage n the mal yesterday. Absolutely love ths thng. Wll never buy another amp or use an amp smulaton agan. 'Was usng ampltube , kazrog,. UAD plugns, lne 6 pod and helx, THthree, mercurall, gutar rg 5,..... you name t, and eye used t. Not only was t a pan n the ass to swtch between all of these plugns to fnd the smulator that worked best for the project at hand, they all sound substandard compared to the kemper. Now, all the best s n one place. And the kemper s not as hard to use as thought t would be, even though t took me ab out an hour to fgure out why my kemper was not recordng to my daw. Kemper wll truly save us all. actually fell asleep on the damn thng because ddn't want to go to bed. would say that the kemper s even better than a computer keyboard as a surface for fallng asleep on.

    so 've been usng an xlr cable as my master mono out. And use an nstrument cable as a second mono out to record a dry sgnal for potental reampng.

    eye have been readng about usng spdf. not sure f wll actually notce a dfference n qualty, but want to be able to record everythng, ncludng the dry sgnal, n stereo. Because why not?

    Between xlr and nstrument cables, there are only three nputs on the apollo twn. s t accurate to say that the only way for me to record everythng n stereo s by gong the spdf route?the dry sgnal wll be analog, so t wll have to be converted on the way nto the nterface, but thnk can lve wth ths.

    the apollo has an optcal nput for spdf. Do eye need a converter? or can buy a coaxal to optcal cable?