tried loading rigs via usb key for some reason they wont load re formatted key tried and not luck any have this issue my OS is
problem loading rigs from kemper formatted usb
ian1977 -
May 17, 2020 at 2:00 PM -
Thread is Resolved
its saying no import necessary rigs already in browse pool but they are not
actually updated OS to ver 7.3.2 then tryed loading rigs again from usb still no joy
Did You try via Rig Manager? happened to me with some cabinets times ago.
can't my pc OS Win 8 so can't use rig manager
Are the profiles named .kipr or .krig?
The reason I ask is, with FW the name has changed and if you have FW above on KPA and a older version of RigManager for keeping your Rigs It may cause problems (this is only an idea, I am not sure...).
Are the profiles named .kipr or .krig?
The reason I ask is, with FW the name has changed and if you have FW above on KPA and a older version of RigManager for keeping your Rigs It may cause problems (this is only an idea, I am not sure...).
Interesting. i wasnt aware of this. Could you elaborate on this please, perhaps in the thread i started yesterday on a similar subject
The .kipr file evolution (education requested)
I tryed changing the rig file name to .krig from .kipr but still same error trying to load rigs from usb my only choice now is to upgrade my PC to Win10 unless kemper fix issue in next firmware release thanks for all idea's
my only choice now is to upgrade my PC to Win10
or You could install OS7.1.5 (acually working with Win7-8 and Rig Manager 2.3.14)