Sharing som merged profiles of a marshall origin 50 head running through my mesa rectifier cab with v30, miced with a sm57 and md421.
6 profiles total, 3 with a plumes ts and 3 without.
I have the amp borrowed from a friend and will have it at home for a few days, maybe i do some more if that's interesting? have a cab with g12t75 speakers in that maybe will work good together for a more classic marshall sound.
Added two studio profiles single mic:ed with sm57
Added two new studio profiles with 2x sm57 (fredman technique) on a g12t75 speaker
1 with ts and one without.
Final Update
25 Merged profiles!
It's a 2x12 cab (marshall clone) with g12t75 speakers in from 2001.
Mics used are blend of sm57 and md421, single sm57, single, md421
Profiles named A,B,C,D,E are different mic position or blend volume, a,b,c are blend, d is 57, e 421, (tags are correct). A is basically same over all A named profiles, as for B and so on
Profile number is different amp settings. Earthquaker Plumes TS are used on all higher gain profiles, check tags if unsure