Original amp noise VS profile noise.. Here is a real amp test ;-)

  • So after the last thread where people said that the noise problem might be the attempt to profile a modeler I decided to profile a real amp.
    I got an Egnater Renegade head..100% tube that I sent into a Suhr 1x12 with V30..keep in mind that I have no iso booth so it was impossible to compare while profiling cause we heard more of the amp all the time :) ..Also we didn't tweak the amp for hours to make it good sounding so the original AND profile could be better for sure

    here is first the amp miked with SM57 direct to TC K48

    Original Renegade OD Ch.

    Now here is the profile

    Egnater Renegade Profile

    You can hear that the noise floor is slightly higher..nothing terrible but it is proportional to the amp gain..I profiled the amp clean channel and there is no added noise.. So if you're profiling something already very noisy it will be even more and may start to be a problem if you put a pedal in front of it

    Now here is a third file..that is the original in profile mode ready to profile

    Egnater Renegade looped in KPA ready to profile

    You can hear that the noise floor have raised considerably..the level is different and the sound is too...
    Once stored you will get what is on file two..This tells us something..you can use the A/B comparaison while profiling but do not try to compare your amp and the profile another way than this or you will end up with the profile sounding different than the original..I think this was already mentionned by Christoph..So fine tune your sound before you loop your amp in the KPA. Do not touch it while profiling... Just concentrate on making the two identical.
    All In all this is very impressive.. ..and I was able to get something pretty close to the original ..



    Edited 2 times, last by BRUNO (May 12, 2012 at 1:20 PM).

  • Bruno,

    I've noticed a big difference between my sound going KPA to amp as opposed to going direct from guitar to amp. So, is this what you are saying? 1. get your sound going direct to amp. 2. Set up the profiling loop in KPA. Amp sound will be different. 3. Profile. 4. Refine so that KPA and Reference amp match. 5. Store. Profile should sound like your amp in stage 1, not like your amp in stage 2.

    Vintage amp obsessive

  • Bruno,

    I've noticed a big difference between my sound going KPA to amp as opposed to going direct from guitar to amp. So, is this what you are saying? 1. get your sound going direct to amp. 2. Set up the profiling loop in KPA. Amp sound will be different. 3. Profile. 4. Refine so that KPA and Reference amp match. 5. Store. Profile should sound like your amp in stage 1, not like your amp in stage 2.

    yes..if you listen to the third clip I posted it is obvious..different tone..much more noise....a ton of noise if you ask me ....So I guess it is not a good idea to try to tweak the original amp sound while profiling...
