Future Feature Request for Kemper Kone: Global Controls similar to Clean Sense

  • Hi,

    Not a Kabinet owner (yet), but looking ahead to the promise of being able to set the imprint on a per profile basis, I was hoping we could get some global controls similar to clean sense.

    What I mean by this is we should have some kind of parameter that would allow us to adjust the setting of the directivity setting.

    This way, when we are in different venues, we will not have to adjust the directivity for each imprint setting. :thumbup:

    Not sure how this would work with bass boost. Would it be possible to have a control to raise or lower the amount of boost? Otherwise we may have to go from rig to rig turning bass boost on and off. :saint:

  • All the Kone settings including Directivity are already global. Feature Request fulfilled! :thumbup:

    Clean Sens as such is not global by the way. Clean Sens, Distortion Sens and Input Noise Gate are part of every Rig. Only, while the Input Section is locked, these settings become global temporarily.

    There are other ways to continuously adjust bass e. g. the output eqs. Bass Boost is designed like a floor/free field switch.

  • All the Kone settings including Directivity are already global. Feature Request fulfilled! :thumbup:

    Clean Sens as such is not global by the way. Clean Sens, Distortion Sens and Input Noise Gate are part of every Rig. Only, while the Input Section is locked, these settings become global temporarily.

    There are other ways to continuously adjust bass e. g. the output eqs. Bass Boost is designed like a floor/free field switch.

    Hi Burkhard,

    I think you misunderstood my request or I wasn't clear enough.

    The feature request pertains to the point of time when you are able to set imprints on a per rig basis.

    When you are able to do that, it would be nice to set directivity individually per rig as well, as a one size fits all approach for directivity may not work so well.

    Now assuming you have everything set for various rigs, and you go to a gig, what happens if the directivity setting that worked in your jampad or house does not translate on that particular stage.

    There are two options:

    1) Manually dial up or down the directivity for every rig you are using

    2) Have a global control that allows you to raise or lower the directivity, similar to what distortion sense does for distorted profiles.

    Similarly, with bass boost, perhaps it is too much for one particular rig, but not too much for another. The option is to manually change the setting for every rig, or have a control similar to distortion sense/clean sense again, which would allow you to raise the bass boost/lower it across various rigs without having to do this manually.

    Does that make sense?

  • yep need Kone imprints on a per rig basis, along with all controls

    Not just per rig. What if you have a gig and you need to adjust directivity for all rigs by just a touch?

    Rather than having to tweak each rig, I propose we have a global control similar to distortion sense, which will sort of act like a "trim" for directivity.

  • I cannot see the need and purpose for having controls like Directivity or Bass Boost per Rig, as we plan for the Imprint Select.

    Those controls are settings that adapt the Kone for a specific playing situation. That situation does not change when you change the imprint.

    Have you seen what the Bass Boost is for?

  • I cannot see the need and purpose for having controls like Directivity or Bass Boost per Rig, as we plan for the Imprint Select.

    Those controls are settings that adapt the Kone for a specific playing situation. That situation does not change when you change the imprint.

    Have you seen what the Bass Boost is for?

    Hi Mr CK,

    Do you mean that directivity and bass boost are already a kind of global control (i.e. set in one section) and imprints will be selectable on a per rig basis?

    Or do you mean directivity and bass boost will be selectable on a per rig basis as well?

    Could you foresee a situation where you might want directivity at a certain setting and bass boost to go with one rig, but perhaps another directivity setting and no bass boost with another?

    And if that is the case, I think it would make sense to reduce or lower directivity across profiles.

    And as far as bass boost: is it feasible to have variable boost to suit various environments or requirements? I know, that kind of sounds like you would just need to turn the bass down or up on a rig in the master section. I have no idea how the bass boost works though, is it just an EQ bump?

    Alas, I don't have a Kabinet because I wanted to see how the coronavirus situation plays out. Definitely want one, but they're now out of stock. I and one other user have been wondering when they will be available again in the Kemper store.

  • Hi Mr CK,

    Do you mean that directivity and bass boost are already a kind of global control (i.e. set in one section) and imprints will be selectable on a per rig basis?


    And if that is the case, I think it would make sense to reduce or lower directivity across profiles.

    And as far as bass boost: is it feasible to have variable boost to suit various environments or requirements? I know, that kind of sounds like you would just need to turn the bass down or up on a rig in the master section. I have no idea how the bass boost works though, is it just an EQ bump?

    It does not make sense to have directivity across profiles.

    The Bass Boost is tailored for correcting the frequency responce when you lift the Kabinet.

    Please please everyone read the manual! It is a PITA to explain the Bass Boost over and over.

    If you want to adapt to the room, use the Monitor equalizer, as usual.

  • I agree that it makes sense to decouple the Imprint selection and the Kab settings.

    There are plenty of ways to sculpt the sound per rig. Once the Kab settings are right for your playing situation and cabinet they shouldn't change. ?

  • Thanks for the explanation.

    If I'm switching speakers, would it make sense for the same directivity parameters?

    Can anyone test with the Kabinet and see whether they prefer a fixed directivity setting or different settings for different speakers?

    Noted on the bass boost!

  • nightlight - do you mean different physical speakers? If so, then you would adjust the Directivity for each one.

    I'm referring to the Kone imprints. If you change to a different imprint, would you prefer to be able to change the directivity to suit each one? Or does one directivity setting do the job?