Kemper stage rig buttons in performance mode

  • When I change a preset on rig button #2 in performance mode by engaging a stomp I can't go back to the original saved #2 preset by stepping on the #2 button again. The stomp or any parameter I might have changed stays until I load a different performance and then come back, then it's back to the prior saved mode. So if I'm playing preset #2 and I add a couple stomps, I want to hit preset #2 again to go back to my original setting. This is the way I have always had my Kemper set up in the past but I noticed it is now different since the recent OS update. Where is the setting to put this back the way I want it (like I used to have it). BTW...I use my Tap button to switch morphing so I have the "rig button morph" button off in system settings page 3.

    I went through the manual and the rig morph button is supposed to be the setting, as it was before this last software update.

    (PEDALBOARD): Kemper Stage, Shure GLXD-16 wireless, JHS A/B Switch, SoloDallas Storm, Keeley Halo, Mission Engineering EP-1 KP, Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2, Pedaltrain-3 board

    Edited 2 times, last by drandall (February 28, 2020 at 1:20 PM).

  • So after doing a support ticket on this I found out it only does this action while plugged into the rig manager. Unplug the rig manager and works as it should :)

    (PEDALBOARD): Kemper Stage, Shure GLXD-16 wireless, JHS A/B Switch, SoloDallas Storm, Keeley Halo, Mission Engineering EP-1 KP, Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2, Pedaltrain-3 board