Got a laptop: Guitar plugin recommendations

  • I just bought a laptop that I primarily intend to use in conjunction with my Kemper as the synth side of my rig, as well as to automate my band performances.

    I would like to be able to just carry it along as my entire guitar rig as well on some days, after all a laptop is much smaller and handier than the Kemper.

    What plugins would you recommend? Is there anyway I can change patches on my machine without having to manually do it by keypress?

    Kind of leaning towards the Neural stuff, but I may just use LePou's 5150 (?) emulation. That one is free and kickass.

  • Just happened to see this vid this morning...

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  • Hi

    Depend of your music taste and budget.

    In my opinion for low budget the best are Neural DSP plugins Plini and Holly.

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    The best for metal sounds for sure THU with great versatility with IR loader and Profiled Amp.

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    For great sound on clean and overdrive my prefer is Amplitube 4.

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    Ignite plugin for free are the best and you can start with them but for play

    with them need of Daw: the others are stand alone.

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    Don't forget a good audio card ...Scarlett could be a good choice.

    PS: Ops! I was forgetting Peavy Revalver : good sounds, IR loader, low price and you can insert any plugin you like on this stand alone!

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    Edited 2 times, last by Farko63 (February 2, 2020 at 1:07 PM).