Kemper plus rocktron velocity?

  • I am interested in everyone's reply to this question, also.
    I almost bought a Velocity 300 to go with the Kemper monitor out, into a cab(or speaker).
    Instead, to save some money towards the Kemper power amp (fingers crossed),
    I picked up a used BK Butler Mosvalve MV-962, off ebay, for less than half of the Velocity, just to get by until the Kemper power amp is released.
    A lot of people are talking about the new Matrix line, as a good choice, but I would rather hold out for a nice compact solution, which would be, the Kemper amp fitting right in the back of the KPA. :)

    I have read good reviews of the Velocity, but am definitely interested to see if anyone here has used one.

    Edited once, last by imall41 (April 30, 2012 at 5:40 PM).

  • I've used the R300, 1U newer model with the 11R, HD500, KPA, Axe2 and gsp1101. It sounds really good, and the two controls can really help you shape it to your cab. The only negative for me---freaking heavy. Like 18 pounds heavy.

    Guitars-Lifeson Axcess Red, Lifeson Axcess Brown, Iced Tea Axcess stop tail, LRP Sig 57
    Amp-Axefx2, KPA, G5, GSP1101, RCF, QSC, Matrix, EHX-Mag44