Making sense of clean sense (audio clips added)

  • I think we're getting into a whole lot of technical discussion here.

    My basic issue is, wherever the clean sense has an impact, it is altering the way my guitar *interacts* with distorted tones on the Kemper.

    That makes me worried as a user: if I set the clean sense at a certain setting without actually dicking around a whole lot more than I usually do, I could be getting a sub-standard interaction between my guitar and the tone (as opposed to a sub-standard tone itself).

    This is not the described behaviour in the manual or what we've been told:

    • #2 KEMPER SUPPORT #1 in 2016

    The purpose of the clean sens parameter is to optimise the way the Profiler reacts to your specific guitar when you play clean rigs.

    If it was the same value for every guitar it wouldnt exist.

    Burkhard IN 2018

    Yes, Clean Sens 3-6 is normal for a Strat. Overall we feel that people put too much emphasis on Clean Sens. It's not that important. You can always adjust Rig volume and gain to your needs.

    And Mr ckemper in 2012

    I have to say what has been posted there is a myth.

    Both controls domnot colour the sound.

    Clean Sense has no impact on distorted sounds.

    Distortion Sense is the same as readjusting the Gain knob.

    Please tell that to everybody :)

    So... what gives?

  • I am not in front of my Kemper. But when using an expression pedal as an volume pedal ("volume pedal settings" with location set to input), it does of course affect the Kemper input sensitivity and it also affects overdrive stomps, right?

    I can boost the whole signal chain or I can set range to negative value.

  • Can this answer some questions?…put_sensitivity

    "You can think of distortion and clean as two parallel paths in the Kemper. Every profile contains a clean and distorted sound. The Gain control not only changes the amount of gain on the distorted path, but the volume of the two paths. Gain at 0 contains only clean tone. Gain at ~4 or above is only distorted tone. Anything in between is an interpolation of both.

    • Clean Sense (CS): whether CS controls loudness depends on how much distortion there is (what you hear). It affects loudness from completely clean into some distortion (Gain 0-4 on my setup, with DS at 0). How the amp is profiled doesn't matter - only the current Gain setting matters.
    • Distortion Sense (DS): A pre-gain level adjustment of the "distortion path". It results in more/less distortion and applies to all rigs. Whether CS has an impact on loudness still only depends on what you hear (how much distortion). IOW, the transition between clean/dist on the Gain control will be shifted up/down as you adjust DS."
  • Can this answer some questions?…put_sensitivity

    "You can think of distortion and clean as two parallel paths in the Kemper. Every profile contains a clean and distorted sound. The Gain control not only changes the amount of gain on the distorted path, but the volume of the two paths. Gain at 0 contains only clean tone. Gain at ~4 or above is only distorted tone. Anything in between is an interpolation of both.

    • Clean Sense (CS): whether CS controls loudness depends on how much distortion there is (what you hear). It affects loudness from completely clean into some distortion (Gain 0-4 on my setup, with DS at 0). How the amp is profiled doesn't matter - only the current Gain setting matters.
    • Distortion Sense (DS): A pre-gain level adjustment of the "distortion path". It results in more/less distortion and applies to all rigs. Whether CS has an impact on loudness still only depends on what you hear (how much distortion). IOW, the transition between clean/dist on the Gain control will be shifted up/down as you adjust DS."

    This is just a different explanation, but exactly what Kemper Amps has been saying all along, i.e. clean sense helps level the volume of clean profiles to your distorted profiles by raising or lowering the volume of the clean profiles. Distortion sense is a global distortion parameter, which affects all distorted profiles by raising or lowering the distortion.

    If you listen to my examples, clean sense is affecting distorted profiles (with gain above 4) as well.

    That is not supposed to happen by design. Yet it is (listen to the examples). It's not the tone being affected. It's affecting the sustain or compression, and not in a way akin to using a volume pedal or your guitar volume.