Hi everybody,
I am a Kemper Profiler owner since May 2019.
I use the Kemper in my studio, where I am working as a Pop-producer/songwriter fulltime. I bought the Kemper to upgrade the sound of guitars, whenever I use them in one of my productions. I am not a great guitar player yet, still learning, but I am veryy much an enthusiast when it comes to sound.
Therefore I was wondering if Kemper owners/users generally still use outboard pedals in front of their Kemper.
I am always on YouTube watching videos about nice pedals and stuff, but I already found out that for my setup it's almost undo-able to add Stereo FX Pedals into the Kemper chain. Because I have the Send/Return/Alternate Input connections always connected for Re-Amping. So therefor I kind of cancelled out the idea of buying nice Choruses, Delays and Reverbs.
But, of course there are more nice pedals you could use. So I was wondering what kind of pedals you use in combination with your Kemper.