Well it's still the Xmas hols and the good vibe I've picked up from my tradition of watching a different version of "A Christmas Carol' each year is still flowing through me and I hope amongst you guys/gals also and I put the recent bout of venting down to cabin fever getting the better of us.
Terence- I think there might be some confusion re: the help being offered - some of it are tweaks you could make , whilst the rest are methods to try and identify the root cause.
For example - does the Kemper actually "do what it says on the tin" (an advert us Brits will know)? If you have an amp and like what it sounds like recorded via a mic via an audio interface into a DAW, then profile it with same settings and see if it sounds the same.
Now I completely agree with you, as I also didn't buy the Kemper to profile my Vox AC15 and/or my Fender Princeton, but instead to have access to all the other myriad of amps out there profiled by others; however, this is a way of checking if the Kemper works by comparing apples with apples.
The other thing to remember is that the sound of the Kemper is the sound of a mic'd amp, not the sound of an amp/cab as heard by the player stood near it Does the Kemper sound bad whilst you are playing, or just when you play back what you've recorded?
Damian has provided some useful clips (via the Sinmix website) to show how a single recorded mono guitar track could sound a bit 'meh', but when multi-tracked and added to the mix of the full song it can sound OK.
I think ultimately people are trying to see if:
- They can help you with a few tweaks and the magic of the Kemper will be revealed;
- There is something wrong with your Kemper (and if so, you should send it in to be looked at); or
- There is nothing fundamentally wrong, but you just don't like it
If you go through stages 1 and 2 and you end up at 3, then I ain't gonna get butt hurt if you sell up - in the end playing guitar is meant to be fun, not more hassle than the day job.
Happy New Year to you all - especially to all those helping fine tune the public beta, whilst I just sit and wait for the first full release!