Dave Mustaine's gear auction - One guy bought everything!

  • And he made a video:

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    Bought everything in a minute, and you know what? Intends to flip every single one for at least three times the price of what Dave listed them for.

    Thoughts? For the record, Dave was auctioning the guitars to pay for his cancer treatments.

    I'm a firm believer in a free market, but this? :cursing:

  • I can't look at those guitars as studio tools or concert instruments. Those are mostly part of Mustaines's history. And if I buy them, I'd do that not because I want to play them, but because I want to appreciate the history or people behind those guitars, or keep them as an investment to sell to someone who would appreciate them more than I do (and that's why the price raises at resell sometimes). I think I'm not alone in that. So, even if those guitars were bought by some other people, I think that they still will be flipped for 3 times the price.

    Also, that guy (from his own words at least) doesn't have bad intensions at all. He just wants his studio keep going, and he doesn't mind people who come into studio to try those guitars.

  • this is the Other Gear section

    talk about Dave's guitars all you want, but what's the point of this particular discussion in this forum?


    I did watch the video, the guy even has an interesting concept which will give people the opportunity to play and record with these instruments that would otherwise never have the chance to even see one up close.

    Therefore I do not understand the amount of drama that is created around this and it is also covered on many other sites, so please feel free to discuss there.
