How is Kemper Stage browse knob supposed to work?

  • I have just received my Kemper Stage and finally come out from the "physical tube amp" world a few days ago. Very impressed so far. But I found the "browse" knob on my stage behaves a bit funky - let's say I'm using a particular rig at the moment in "browser" mode. When slightly touching the browse knob, not completely pressed down, it brings up the browse menu. But to pick another rig from the menu I need to press the browse knob all the way down. The problem with that is, if I am pressing the knob all the way down when a rig is in display, very easily it can go quickly to the menu then flash back to the rig display - if you know what I mean. Is that how the knob supposed to work (e.g. go to the rig menu on a half press)? Has anybody else experienced it?


  • Thanks for the quick replies! Also just got an answer from Kemper support team reconfirming that it is by design. Wow, seems the technology has advanced so much since the last time I put my hands on a digital effects. ;)

    By the way, for my own education purpose, is this mentioned anywhere on the quick start or manual? I was trying to look for an answer but couldn't see any. Maybe I was looking at the wrong place?

  • Maybe I misunderstood? I thought you were saying that you have to keep the knob pressed down while turning it to browse for a rig.

    If this is not a defect I don’t understand the problem. I have no issues at all browsing and selecting on my Stage.

    Anyway happy to hear that it’s solved.

    Get a sound,
    Feel the groove,
    Make something happen.

  • Hi

    after updating the firmware (OS) of my Kemper Stage to version, the “Touch Sensitivity” of its “Browse Knob” has been disabled! ??

    anybody knows that how I can Activate it again?!

    I can’t find any option in system settings!

    many thanks