every profile sounds kind of the same ?: s

  • well i like to use my kemper an pc in one , like playing along with backing tracks , so my speakers are also my pc sound . But like i said through headphone sounds is killer , like there is more compression and detail . lik i see in the vids ,

    the strange thing is that when recording it sounds even dull.

    So dont know why the 6i6 makes your sound so dull , maybe its suppose to be that way because studio sound is as neutral as possible ? Dont know

  • the headphone out of the Kemper sounds glorious

    maybe the outputs from the 6i6 have converters which sounds not so good for guitar

    try to plug your pc in the aux in of the Kemper and listen again

    that way you can play your tracks via the Kemper and use the Kemper Headphone out

  • i actually found that they sounded bit more shrill

    Check the settings on the backside of the HS7 speakers, what are "Room Control" and "High Trim" set to?

    Also, a few things to keep in mind:

    1. Studio monitors will always sound very different to a guitar cab in the room, first and foremost due to the much smaller woofer. A 6.5" woofer will never come close to a 12" woofer. Second, the typical sound pressure level you're playing through studio monitors is much lower than playing through a guitar cab. This changes the perception even further.

    Headphones "feel" better because:

    a. You likely listen louder on headphones

    b. Headphones have a better bass response compared to the 6.5" loaded HS7 monitors

    c. Bad room acoustics are out of the equation.

    2. The room and the position of the studio monitors makes quite a big difference, as mentioned by others. Never underestimate the importance of at least some sound treatment!

    3. Listen to your favourite (recorded) music a lot through these studio monitors, listen at the same perceived volume you want to play your guitar. Optimize the settings on the HS7 speakers. Get used to the sound of the monitors and start listening closely how the guitars (and other instruments) sound in the mix of your favourite bands' recordings. You might like the sound of your favourite recorded music/bands but still wish to "overpower" your own guitar playing. That's a common problem with people that are used to play loud and through guitar cabs. Take your time, listen to a lot of music, try to make your guitar "blend in" nicely (not blast over the entire backing track).

    4. Always keep in mind that the Kemper Profiler delivers whatever you want ... and more. If you haven't messed up the settings of the Profiler, it will deliver. It just depends on how you want to translate the sound to the place you're in and your ears. The question is if these relatively small studio monitors will ever make you happy. If volume isn't an issue for you, if you can play loud, consider getting something like the Yamaha DXR10.



  • I think this is just a matter of expectation. He's not saying it sounds bad, just the same.

    The thing is that actual amps have a tendency to sound the same, they're mostly based on a very small number of Fender circuits. In addition the Kemper itself also does have it's own sound.

    The best thing you can do if at all possible is profile your own amps (make sure to reap via the Kemper through both amp and the Kemper while doing so in order to record an absolutely identical piece of guitar DI so you can see back to back how close they really are rather than having any bias or differences in playing between takes coming into play) to see just how close the Kemper is to the actual amps, this will cement in your mind the fact that it's not the Kemper but the amps and the way people like to record them, and that the profiles and profiler is accurate.

  • If you are happy with the sound of your Kemper through headphones, everything is fine in the KPA and you have to work on your monitor and PC setup. Follow Martin and Alan comments above, that’s what I did to sound as I wanted in the HS7s.

    Work on the studio monitors first, before adding your PC and other interfaces.

    I do have HS7 monitors, they lack bass response, their purpose is to help a mix not to provide a HiFi sound nor a guitar cabinet feel moving air. I managed to fine tune the sound using Room Control and HiTrim, and adding an IsoAcoustics ISO155stands which help to extend bass, if your HS7s are in a desk. I did connected the KPA and the HS7 to a mixer in order to have more EQ and control the shrill and bass. That setup sounds good to my ears and translates very well what I hear in my mixing headphones from the KPA. Anyway, if you need more bass you can add a subwoofer. If you want more “feel like an amp”, additionally you can connect an FRFR monitor straight to your KPA. I’ve added a Mission Gemini, but there are other options like the new headRush monitors. If what you are looking for is a realistic amp in the room feel that’s a different topic.

  • If you are happy with the sound of your Kemper through headphones, everything is fine in the KPA and you have to work on your monitor and PC setup. Follow Martin and Alan comments above, that’s what I did to sound as I wanted in the HS7s.

    Work on the studio monitors first, before adding your PC and other interfaces.

    I do have HS7 monitors, they lack bass response, their purpose is to help a mix not to provide a HiFi sound nor a guitar cabinet feel moving air. I managed to fine tune the sound using Room Control and HiTrim, and adding an IsoAcoustics ISO155stands which help to extend bass, if your HS7s are in a desk. I did connected the KPA and the HS7 to a mixer in order to have more EQ and control the shrill and bass. That setup sounds good to my ears and translates very well what I hear in my mixing headphones from the KPA. Anyway, if you need more bass you can add a subwoofer. If you want more “feel like an amp”, additionally you can connect an FRFR monitor straight to your KPA. I’ve added a Mission Gemini, but there are other options like the new headRush monitors. If what you are looking for is a realistic amp in the room feel that’s a different topic.

    well i"ve ordered a laney lfr cab , and i remember playing a line 6 pod through my bose pc speakers sounded good aswell , i think that speakers are indeed not the right "match " for my situation

  • I've always thought there was a sameness to the sounds

    The only thing different between " presets " are the actual profiles themselves it's the same eq etc, on every profile

    So there is a sameness to every sound, on the positive side it's a sameness like every profile being recorded in a good studio [ the kemper ]

    but once things turn into square waves that tends to homogenate any sound from anywhere.

    If the issue is trying to get a profile more real , exciting & 3d through monitors like an amp in the room that will be more particular to the room & setup , monitoring levels and such. when someone close mic's a cab with a 57, that can be pretty dry. Did you say how it's sitting in the mixes ?

  • has someone found a speaker for pc that sounds like an headphone? like i said my bose pc speakers sounded good but they didnt go that loud

    Bose PC speakers sound good for music/gaming, but not necessarily translate an amp/IR well as a studio speaker or FRFR monitor. Same with headphones, Bose headphones are not the same as studio headphones. Anyway, there are no rules if that’s the sound you are looking for, so you may want to try HS8 with or without subwoofer with your PC.

  • I made the experience that the sound module has a certain influence on the sound of the Kemper. So try the direct connection between the Kemper and your boxes and see if it´s different.

    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112

  • It's not the 6I6 for sure (unless you have something misconfigured)

    I'm using the 6i6 with a pair of Focal Solo6Be and it sounds better than connecting my Sennheiser hd 800s directly into the kemper.

    Have you tried with a different pair of studio monitors?

    Before the Focals I had the HS5 and found them pretty bad.

  • First of all, profiles definitely, definitely do not sound the same. For me, picking the profiles that work for me has been absolutely key to getting good results out of the Kemper.

    You've got some good monitors there. For me, I'm happy playing through some basic Creative gigaworks, or my Adams A5X. Obviously, I prefer the Adams!

    If possible, plug your Kemper into different monitors and see how that sounds. How does the POD sound directly in your monitors? If your happy with that, then I'd say the issue is with the profiles you're using.

    As for the interface, you may need an upgrade. I cant use anything less than an RME, but Im super fussy. But first plug into different monitors and try other profiles. A Topjimi sorted me out, for others they highly recommend MBritt.

    The clip you've linked, he's used some sort of post processing and mixing. With topjimi, his samples on youtube are pretty much what you're going to get, depending on your interface of course.