Hi all
Been a couple of years but I'm finally an owner of a powerhead and remote again. Excited to be back!
Excuse what may be a stupid question but...
I loaded in my profiles that I made and sell and also some others that I've bought in the past. I first ran them through my Marshall 1936 212 cab (yes, I turned cabs off on the profiles =) ), but I get what sounds like a weird hifi type of cover on everything. It's hard to explain. I don't remember anything sounding like this in the past. I tried different cables, etc but that didn't change anything.
I then tried it through my Yamaha HS8 studio monitors and my M Audio monitors....same thing. Really strange artifact sound almost blanketing the tone. I haven't had a chance to record with it yet or try my 412 cab but I figured I'd post here to see if maybe there's something new that wasn't in the kemper from a few years ago when I owned it as far as options go that I'm not aware of? Again, I had cabs off when going through the cab and cabs on when going direct. I tried the pure cab on and off but while it doe change things, it still has this weird thing going on. Any help is appreciated.